Monday, September 13, 2010

First Day of School

Yeah, I'm a little slow when it comes to posting things. But here are the pics from the kid's first day of school. James was really excited to finally get to eat lunch at school. However, when he returned home, and I asked him how 1st grade was he said,"It was SO LONG!! I was like, Is this ever going to end?" I laughed at that. He hasn't complained about the length of school since and everyday his two favorite things about school are lunch and P.E. In fact, today was Pizza day at school and James was so excited that he was up an hour and a half early ready to get to school. So funny, like we didn't have pizza just 2 days ago. But I guess it is exciting when it is at school with all your friends.

Now Harrison, he loves school. It is his dream. He is always sad the days he doesn't get to go to school. He comes home singing all the songs he learned and telling me everything he did that day. yep he loves it. But what is there to not love about singing, story time, play time and snack time? Heck, sign me up!

And Sophie. She and I are having a good time at home together. We go for bike rides, she copies me while I lift weights, stretch out and do crunches. she helps me with the dishes, follows me around with her vacuum while I vacuum. We have dance parties together and I absolutely love spending the mornings with her. She does miss her brothers though. Sometimes she wanders the house calling for "dames' and "dee dee" (that is Harrison).

See, this is what we do while the boys are gone, goof off a lot. And a little cleaning.

We also snack. Who doesn't love a good bowl of cheerios? (see that beautiful gray-blue wall behind her, that is what our kitchen looks like now.)

And here are my boys, ready for school. I sure hope their teachers are ready for them.

Isn't this the cutest picture you ever saw? Love those two boys. They are my buds. And honestly, I miss them while they are at school. I find myself watching the clock, excited to hear about their day.

1 comment:

K said...

Oh, Sophie - what a doll. And goofy boys - that's the way I felt too - it was SOOOOOOO long.