Sunday, October 14, 2012

Mud Run, a New Bike, & the Pinewood Derby

Just another weekly update...nothing amazing.

Lets start with last weekend....

General Conference. Which I have to say, James watched almost every session. I think he missed one hr of one of the Sunday sessions, but other than that he paid pretty darn good attention. That might have something to do with the fact that he had to listen for certain things & if he got them all he could go pick out any candy bar.... but hey, it worked. He listened. And today at church he was glad he had because he got prizes in primary for it.

This week was catch up week for me. Catch up from being gone for 2 weeks. I got back form UT last week, which I will say was a great visit. Always so great to see family and I was so so so glad that my kids got to see their Gmas and Gpas and play with their cousins, I hate thinking that they will grow up not knowing who they are. I also ran my 7th full marathon out there, it was great. I didn't care about my time, just did it for fun and so that is what it was. Fun. James and Ben hiked Mt. Timp and I was SUPER proud of James for hiking all that way. good work boys.

But now it is back to sunny warm FL, and getting homework caught up on and bills paid and lawns mowed, laundry done. I think I am about back to normal though. I can't believe that it is the middle of October already. What the what? How in the world did that happen? So we decorated the house for Halloween this past week as well. It looks pretty good. I still want to make some cool ghost to hang on the front porch. It seems our porch was made for that type of thing. Gotta do it. Since it is Halloween time, and we are obsessed with that holiday, we have been watching our scary movies and making pumpkin everything. Love it. Love this time of year. Got some Apple cider doughnuts the other day and they were amazing. mmmm. Figured out costumes for all the kids & planning some fun Halloween activities over the next 2 weeks.

This week was also James' Pinewood derby. Our neighbors were so kind to cut the car for James, he designed it himself. Then he painted it blue and put gold stripes on it. He was pretty proud of it. I, unfortunately, was gone for the race. So Ben took the kids. It was combined with a primary activity and my kids had a great time. James' car was sloooooow. like the car the had no weights was the only car that James' car beat. whoops. Fortunately, since he wasn't last, he was happy. That was all that mattered. And they were great to have little medals for all the kids so no one felt too bad about their super suck car. hahaha. But Sophie wasn't fooled. This is the conversation she had on the way home...

S: James, did you get that medal because your car losed the race? did all the losers get those medals? Was it because your car was so slow?
Harrison: Sophie, we don't call people losers, that's rude.
S: But James' car was the loser, that's why he got that medal.

See, no fooling her. She knows. Funniest thing ever.

The reason why I wasn't there was because I was out in a survivor mud run with 7 of my good friends here in FL. We went up the night before and stayed up alllllllll night talking eating crap and just having a great time. Then it was off to play in the mud. It really was fun, but the mud got old. And it was very, very stinky. The course was through a farmers pasture, which meant there was just as much cow crap as mud. And yes, we were literally swimming through at some points. I literally almost barfed. I was really fine with the mud, but the poop and the awful smell was a little hard to handle. I was covered from head to toe and my shoes weighed at least 15 lbs by the time I was done from all the packed on mud. I was proud of myself for doing all the obstacles, monkey bars included.

The worst part of the race though, was the shower at the end. They had some showers you could rinse off in and I was so excited until I smelled them. It was sulfur water. From a well. It smelled like one big fart. a really bad one. And I was supposed to clean myself off with that? yeah, no thanks. I did though. just to at least get the first layer of mud off me. Then I threw my shirt shoes and socks away. Went to my car, got out the water bottles and soap and washed myself a little better and put clean-ish clothes on. I still had caked on mud in odd places. It was a good time, and I would probably do another one. But I would be smart and wear those five finger toe shoe things, think that might work a little better. It was really fun to do it with so many fun girls and laugh our heads off at each others grossness. Because it was just so awfully gross. And we can forever laugh about it. Good times.

After getting home and showering, over and over and over and over. We went for a little bike ride. Our sweet neighbor gave Sophie their daughter's old bike, it's even pink with princesses! She is in heaven. We rode to the park and back and she only fell twice. One time she went off the sidewalk and into the bushes. She didn't get hurt but she yelled "don't let the alligators get me!!!" HAHAHAHA. funny baby. But she loves it and always wants to ride it.

I think that is all for last week. This week I am in charge if a service night for our Relief Society and am really excited for everything we are doing. Making things for the local children's hospital. Should be a good time, I hope lots of people come.
But for now, I am butt tired. There is a baseball game on, I love baseball and I am wanting an apple with some peanut butter. So I am going to go plop my butt on that couch, watch the game and snack. yep, that's how I roll. ;)


K said...

Cam and Lorri did a mud race yesterday. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE.

I really like Sophie - there's no pulling the wool over THOSE gorgeous eyes. But the most delightful thing is Harrison instructing her in rudeness.

It was great to see you!

Unknown said...

Your family is so active! And your son painted his pinewood derby the exact same way I did my first one when I was a kid. Good job on keeping your kids actively engaged.

Amy Eds said...

I love Sophies comments about the race! Hilarious! Your kids are so cute!