Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Just Call me Grumpy

So today has to be in the top 3 of "Emily's most emotional, bad mood, insane person" days of my life. Seriously. It didn't start out so bad. James slept in.... I think that kid is going through a growth spert he sleeps way more, he actually eats these days and often complains about his legs hurting....Anyways, So he slept in, which meant I slept in and got a decent night's sleep last night. It was good. I had to take the car in for an oil change, and the Honda place is in SLC, so I thought I would make it a fun day for the kids and take them to the zoo. So I got the kids ready and I hurried to get ready and when I came downstairs, the kids had dumped out the desk drawers all over the floor....GRRR!!!  One thing you must know about me and this pregnancy I have 100% zero tolerance for messes because it takes so much more effort these days to clean the house, so I kind of go a little crazy about trying to keep the house clean. Anyways, so that was not a very happy thing. We get to the dealership and wait, and wait, and wait! For 1 1/2 hours. The kids were running around the room  like wild animals, there was no entertainment for them whatsoever. It was not great. And I was not feeling good, at all. But the good thing was, was that they  checked my tires and there was a nail in one of them so they repaired it. I was grateful for that since Ben and I are driving to his brother's wedding this weekend and as much as I love flat tires......I don't.  So it was off to the zoo. I grabbed the kids and I lunch at Wendy's and we ate on the way. Just before we get there, Harrison throws his drink at my seat. What the world? Another lovely mess. The Zoo was actually pretty fun. Harrison loved the Owls the best and kept saying "whooo...whooo" it was really cute. And we went on the train ride and both the boys loved that. But the last 30 min James started whining. "mom why can't we go to 7 peaks? I just want to go to 7 peaks right now! Why can't we ever have fun? I just want to play all the time. Let's go to 7 peaks. We never get to go to 7 peaks" It was 100% non stop until we got to the car. My patience was just about up at this point. I mean, we just spent the day at the zoo, how about "mom thanks for taking us to the zoo, it was so fun! You are the best!" nope, none of that. just more more more more more of whatever they don't have. Sheesh. Yeah he got the word about that, I wasn't very happy. And I don't put up with whining so well. So we drive home. My head is spinning, I am tired, and it is time to make dinner. So I start making dinner.  While I am making dinner, the kids trash the house faster than I ever thought possible. Dumping out the newly folded laundry, dumping out all of their toys all over the house. Coloring themselves with markers. Getting into everything you can possibly imagine. Yeah, at this point I seriously went crazy.  I just started to cry. The house was just a disaster and the last thing in the world that I wanted to do was to clean it all over again. The kids were completely out of control. (I don't know what their deal was today, they were unusually terrible) Everywhere I looked in the house was just...mess.  Ben called, I told him I was about to crazy, just to warn him that he was coming home to a very emotional insane wife. ha! But he was good, he came home, he helped clean up the mess. I got dinner on the table and what does Harrison do? Throw his food across the kitchen and laugh his head off. yeah, he was in trouble for that one.  It was chili by the way. Not a very clean thing. I think James had clued in that mom wasn't in the best of moods that day because he ate his dinner very well and did not complain. good job James. After dinner I laid down on the couch for a minute while Ben played baseball with the boys outside (aren't dad's great?) After a short snooze we went for a good long walk, the kids were once again unusually insane and we brought them home for baths and beds. I started giving them their baths and I still wasn't the happiest camper alive, the kids were just driving me crazy! And Ben came into the bathroom asking me what I wanted him to do to help. And I don't remember what I said. But I do remember his reply. He took my shoulders and said (in a nice gentle way, not mean) "hey, I know you're not happy right now, but could you just try, just a little bit?" He said it in the nicest way possible and I just laughed at him and thought, "em get over it, snap out of it, whatever it is" So I got the kids in bed. Ben and I cleaned the house 100% clean, and then we watched a show together.  Now I just drank a big glass of ovaltine (I truly hate milk, but I will drink it if there is something sweet mixed in with it) I am glad I have a husband though that is so patient with me on my unbelievably grumpy days and will just try to cheer me up.  


Lindsay said...

Ugh. Sounds like a miserable day, pregnant or not. I hope it ended with the sunset! I, too, can't stand messes. I don't mind if Garrett makes a mess while playing with his TOYS but the second he starts ripping books off the shelves and chucking them all over the floor, I start to get upset.

Becca said...

Emily! That is so sad! I'm sorry your pregnancy is hard like this. did I just forget or is this worse than your other pregnancies? Maybe I was too naive to pay attention.

um i don't know when i became a clean freak, but i did. and I hate a messy house.

I think it's probably because for house wives and stay at home moms, having a clean organized home is part of our job. and if someone went to our husbands work and completely undid everything he had done that wouldn't make them happy either.

sorry you had a suck-a-pot-i-mus day.

K said...

Grumping comes with the territory, baby. With the baby territory. Your nature is sunny - it will win in the end, over the sleeplessness and the physical strains of young motherhood. And over the chaos of pregnancy.

But I'm going to vote here again: you gotta use paragraphs, girl!!! I love to read about your life, but that solid column of words makes my eyeballs spin. Is blogger messing up your formatting?

John said...

I hate milk too. I am sorry that you had such a bad day. It's a day like that that would make me pack up half the toys and ban food from the car forever.

Karyn said...

I seriously have like 3 days a week like this. You're good that you still make dinner. I just make David do it. ha!

But don't beat yourself up. Pregnancy can be a beast! :)