Wednesday, September 3, 2008

James' First Day of School

Okay so Today Was James' First day of school. Well, preschool that is. He doesn't start kindergarten until next fall, but he has been asking me for forever when  he gets to go to school, and I debated and debated about sending him to preschool. But he really wanted to, and he seemed ready for it, so I signed him up last week. Since that day he has asked me everyday if he was going to school or not. He has been so excited to go!  In all his prayers for the last week he has said "please bless that I will do good in school". I love hearing his little prayers. I love to hear what he is really thinking about and how much things mean to him. His prayers are so sweet and so sincere. No wonder we are supposed to be like a child.  

Anyways, so he couldn't even sleep last night he was so excited. But the morning finally came, and he ate a nice big breakfast, got in his new school clothes and we took him to school. Oh yeah, he also got a new back pack. It is a Lightning Mcqueen back pack, and he has been carrying it around since we bought it.  That was in his prayers as well. So, we go to school, he went right in, gave me a hug goodbye, and started playing with the other kids. He seemed happy as could be. We went back to the car and I started to cry. I am pregnant, so cut me some slack here I cry at everything. Not because I was sad or anything just because, my little boy is growing up an I just can't believe how fast. So then Harrison and I were off. I went running, showered, and then he and I played a game. Oh yeah, and then he ate 3 bowls of cereal, and a banana. oinker. But a cute one.  It ws fun to have time with just Harrison and time to clean up. But I have to say, that I missed James! As did Harrison, he really missed him. He kept saying "where James go?". It was so cute. They are such friends. 

 But before I knew it it was time to pick James up, so we packed a lunch for a picnic and went back to the school. James saw me, waved and smiled. Then he began telling me all about school. Yes he loved it. He loved the singing part the best. But they played, learned about their bodies, and about the letter A. At coloring time he "tried to color faster, but still didn't have time to finish, so will just have to finish his picture at home" Which he did by the way and then hung it up in the kitchen. 

So then it was off to the park, the boys had plenty of fun there and James swung so high on the swings it seriously started to terrify me. But he loved it. He kept saying "yeah! I am awesome!!!" Oh this was cute. The picture that he didn't quite finish coloring had a little boy with a basketball and a football.  James pulled it out and showed Harrison, and then let Harrison carry it around the rest of the time. He kept saying "fooootball". I thought it was sweet of James to think of Harrison like that. 

Anyways, the rest of the day was the usual day. James and I read for a while, we had naps, made fresh tomato soup with garden tomatoes and it was delicious. I seriously love soup. All soups.  I could probably live off soup. But the rest of my family probably wouldn't like that, so I only make them eat it once a week.  After dinner, Ben and James played baseball again. James is getting really good at it. Ben put a video of James on You tube. I think the title is "My four year old swings a bat better than you". Yeah, nice I know. But Ben is pretty darn proud of the kid, and what dad isn't proud of their son? I love seeing those two play. Harrison likes to watch them too.

Oh, the picture of James on the moon....well he went to the moon on labor day, it was too cold here. Ha, so we went to the Clark Planetarium and Ben took James' picture there. It was a fun day.  Oh yeah, one more thing, I was cooking dinner tonight and Harrison usually is beggin me for food the entire time I cook, this time he was leaving me alone. And for a second I thought, wow, he is being really good. Um, yeah he had a blue marker and his entire body was blue when I found him. Yep, that is my Harrison.  


Ginna said...

James looks so cute! It's so fun that he was so excited. Max is the same way.
Your tomato soup from the garden sounds amazing, yum!

Linsey said...

James looks so cute! Rylie keeps asking me when she gets to ride the bus to school too. I think it's more the bus than the school that she is looking forward to. If you don't mind, my whole family absolutely LOVES soup, so send me some of your recipes please. That's one of our fam's favorite meals is soup and homemade bread. They would love some more variety.

K said...

YAY!! Paragraphs!! YEs, yes, yes!!! The moon! Very cold up there. School - sigh. But I'm so glad he had fun with it. Harrison? Yes. Charlotte did her skeleton on the outside of her body with black permanent marker. She was very smug about how clever it was.

Permanent marker wears off. First it turns very green. Then, weeks later, you can hardly see it. Hardly at all.

Becca said...

how cute em! I like how James is all stylin' in his new clothes. He's adorable. You are one cute mama, and have some pretty cute kids. I am going to you tube right now to find that video...

The Mechams said...

I can't believe how much and how fast time has passed. James is just too cute,wow life moves fast. I miss you Emily!

The Mechams said...

OH and CONGRATS too I just read some of your older blogs. I am totally excited for your new little one.

WinnFamily said...

Where is James going to preschool? I am glad he likes it, Ethan takes a while to warm up to the idea of preschool, but eventually loves it. We need another girls luncheon soon because it's been way too long since I've seen you.