Sunday, March 8, 2009

About to Pop

So, here I am 5 days away from delivering baby Sophie, and I feel like I am about to pop. I don't know if I can even last 5 more days. Sheesh!! It is so funny. This entire pregnancy I have had cramps and contractions and all sorts of preterm labor garbage, but about 3 weeks ago that all completely stopped. I haven't even had so much as a cramp! right now I am thinking, please please please contractions come can do it...just START! But no, no contractions, nothing at all. this baby girl is going to be cooking in the oven until friday that is for sure. And I am sure once those contractions REALLY start I will be more than anxious for them to go away. I am getting pretty nervous about the whole labor and delivery, I know can do it and I will do it, but I am also sure that I really have no idea just how painful it is actually going to be. Wish me luck on that one. I am going to try and keep myself plenty busy this week. Cleaning house, taking kids wherever, doing whatever I can so I am not just sitting around waiting for baby to come. And then hopefully friday will come before I know it.

Oh, I wanted to post what Harrison said in his prayer the other night. It was so cute! It went like this "please bless to play football, play soccer, play baseball, play basketball, play bowling, and a a a mickey mouse". I thought it was so cute. He always needs help starting out his prayers, but then he just starts saying whatever and it is so darling.

Oh and one more stroy. So last week while James and I were bothing laying in bed sick we just sat there talking for several hours. It was so fun and those are always my favorite moments as a mom. Just talking to my kids. Anyways, he started showing me all the letters in sign language and there was one he couldn't remember and I didn't know it. So I told him that when he went back to school he should ask his teacher and she could show him. I then said, "James, do you know who else knows sign language really well?" he asked who, and I told him that his Aunt Jenny knew sign laanguage. to which James responded, "Aunt Jenny goes to preschool!?!" I laughed pretty hard at that one.


Becca said...


I am laughing my head off. "Aunt jenny goes to preschool?" That's so so funny. And Harrison's prayers are really adorable. Grace is jsut starting to get that when I say it's time to say a prayer, she folds her arms. But that lasts for about 5 seconds, and then she's on to the next task. sometimes when the prayer is done she puts her hands in the air happily. I guess that's kind of "AMEN" haha.

it was fun seeing you and hanging out with you at Casidy's thing. Good luck with Sophie! I am way excited! and NERVOUS for you! :o)

John said...

Those are really cute stories. I am sorry that you have been so ill. I really hope that your ear heals up soon and that all goes well your your labor and delivery.

James, Kira, Rylee, Jett and Maddyson said...

Hey Em, just wanted to wish you good luck on your labor. I can't believe you're going to do this one natural! You're definately braver than me. I wish you a very short labor and hope all goes well!

Karyn said...

I know you have an update!! Congratulations! I wish I was there to hold little darling Sophia :)I'm so happy for your little family!

Post some cute pics when you're feeling up to it!

Karyn said...

I mean Sophie! Not Sophia. Sorry! I had to come back and correct it because people are always messing up my girls names too :)

K said...

I hear that I'm late for Sophie's birthday! Your father-in-law was bragging you up, Sunday. I hope she looks just like you - just as good a girl, just as hopeful a heart.