Thursday, July 22, 2010

Where Have I Gone???

Friends, Family and other weirdos reading my blog.

It seems I have disappeared off the face of the earth lately and haven't blogged in....forever? Well, here is a short blog just to let you know what the world I have been up to in the past forever.

First off, VACATION! I took the kids to Georgia for good while to visit my bro and his family. It was 100% fun and I absolutely fell in love with Georgia. yeah, I would move there. We spent time at the beach, going on military ships (we spent a weekend in SC) Pigging out like crazy, running (of course) more pigging out, watching movies and being idiots. I did come home after a 16 hour trip with a temp of 102, strep throat and bronchitis. That wasn't so awesome. THe rest of the trip though, was perfect. Thanks James and Em for a very much needed vacation and a great time. You are the best!

Oh, more vacation.... Ben and I went to Florida for a week with NO KIDS!!! It was so great, and so fun to be just a couple again. no whining (okay maybe some from Ben, but it was minimal ;) we went to Harry Potter world, Disney World, Cocoa Beach and just hung out together. Seriously, it really was perfect. Plus, we got to fly first class. :)

Training, yep that is my life right now. Trying to get my butt to Boston. I run 20 miles every Sat from now until mid september. This might kill me, but I am slowly getting faster (that sounds messed up). No really though, I ran 18 miles last Sat holding under a 9 min mile And the last 10 miles I held under an 8 min mile. awesome. I am running the St. George Marathon in October and I had better get a time under 3:40:00. If not though, Boston will always be there and I will have another chance to qualify. We'll see how St. George goes.

3 kids. I have 3 kids. 3! yikes! Sophie is growing so fast and talking and running around and is a 100% wild child. She has so much fire in her I can hardly keep up with the little thing. But dang, she is cute. I love how she says "mom, mom, MOM!!!" and then "uh oh" So funny. She LOVES the outdoors and would play outside all day without eating or sleeping. I love that thing. She likes to bark like a dog and meow like a kitty. She talks about kitties all the time and loves going to grandmas and holding the kittens. Ben must really love that girl because now he wants to get a kitten for her. (he is allergic). Sheesh. She doesn't have us wrapped around her finger!

Harrison. Is actually a really smart kid. okay that sounds mean, it is just that he is so quiet it surprises you when he blurts something out. Like today while I was driving he said "mom, now you turn left" and yep, I needed to turn left. I laughed. He is learning his letters and is getting really good at them. He is still my sweet one. He gives me hugs and loves to just sit and read books with you and his blanket. He says the funniest things sometimes. Like "James, why did you break your arm off?" or "Satan's house is very far away" or "Take Sophie to the baby doctor and get her a new nose" (she fell and had a bloody nose). He is our tease.

James. Broke his arm July 4th weekend. Well there goes all the swimming for the summer. He was actually really brave about the whole thing and it hasn't really been a problem. I don't let him swim But I will wrap it up good and let him play in the sprinklers or splash pads at various parks. he is also reading 100 books this summer to earn a day at Lagoon. Harrison has to learn his letters, and James has to read. He is doing really well and we should be making a trip to Lagoon mid August. I am so excited, I know James will just love the roller coasters. He is my other wild child and continues to be a complete daredevil broken arm and all. However, he is also my little man. I was cleaning out the garage the other day and he was in the front flower garden. He weeded it without me asking him to and then he staked up a falling rose tree for me, tied the knot and everything. I was so proud.

Okay so there is an update on our lives. yeah. real exciting. Sorry there aren't pictures, I will post those later. in like another 6 months. Ha!

1 comment:

K said...

A broken arm. Oy. I love the update. LIfe reported is always at once rich and mundane. But this is the childhood your kids are living - and it sounds great. Sounds like - this sounds stupid - something that they will build on all their lives. A little wonder. A little travel. A lot of magic. And some pain.