Sunday, November 13, 2011

Why it's just a boring ol' orange.

Blogging world. I am terrible at keeping things up to date. And I feel, a little, bad about that. Mostly because I am afraid of forgetting all the awesome and not so awesome things in my life. So, this is how it is going to roll from now on. It is going to pretty much just be a weekly boring update, perhaps some little highlights of a funny thing a kid said, but basically just a weekly update. We'll see how long I last at this even.

First off, we need to do a tiny bit of catching up. highlights!

-Ben's parents coming to visit. Awesome! Came for 3 days. Went to DW together, had fabulous time. James loved going with Grandpa on all the big rides and Harrison and Susan seemed to be well matched as neither of them like roller coasters. However, they were both amazingly brave and went on Big Thunder together. From what I understand they both had their heads down the entire time, but both had fun. G&G also met the boys for lunch at their school. And then we walked around the neighborhood and Sophie fell in a lake. Don't worry, she lived. She was covered in moss and mud, but she lived. The last day here we all went fishing, Harrison was not a fan and was eating the bait (hot dogs) James enjoyed it though and keeps asking to go again. And then to finish things off Ben & I went out with G&G to Giordanos for some amazing chicago pizza and then went to Downtown disney for the evening. We had a fabulous time and were so sad to see them go. So glad they will be coming next spring when James gets baptized.

moving on.....

-Harrison is having a hard time learning how to read, we are working on this. I think the main problem is his speech. There are a lot of sounds he just can't make. So I am working on getting him some speech therapy. Anyways, so we spend a lot of time on homework and words and sounds and all that awesomeness. His teacher gave me a set of words Harrison is supposed to know. There are about 12 of them, of the 12, there is only one he knows.
That is the word. He knows it 100%. The first time I showed it to him he said "Bu. Uh. TT....Bu....uuuu....t........bbbuuuut..BUT?!!!" And he literally fell off his chair laughing. I am not going to lie, I laughed pretty hard myself. His laugh is contagious. Now of course he thinks he is reading butt, & that is just fine with me, because dang it, at least he knows one word. If only all words were crude in some way, he would be reading the dictionary by now.

-James Is doing awesomely at school. He hates subtraction and we are working on it, but other than that he is rocking it. He almost always gets 100% on his spelling, he looooooves science and just can't get enough of it. He reads all the time, thank you captain underpants & calvin & Hobbes, he does his homework every day without me begging him to. He brings me his homework when he done and has me check everything. He constantly helps out at home with cleaning and other chores. He is my totally awesome dependable kid right now and I really don't know what I would do without him. Love you James!!

-Sophie is the wildest thing on the planet. Seriously. How did I get such a wild little girl? Not sure about that. Anyways, she seems to be running, jumping, dancing, & prancing, wrestling, or trying to beat you up all day long. It's like she's had two boys to play with her whole life........
Really though, she is so much fun, and still melts my freakin heart. She and I went on the race trac ride together at DW and it was the funnest thing ever. I let her steer and so of course we were constantly crashing, but she was laughing so so hard and it was pretty much the cutest thing ever.
This last week she had a night where she woke up all night crying. THe first time she woke up screaming her head off so I went right on in and asked her what was going on. She just screamed "My TOE!!! IT IS GONE!!! MY TOE IS GONE!!!!" I was half asleep but I just started laughing. It was so cute and so funny. I showed her that she indeed had all 10 toes and that she didn't lose anything. Tucked her back in and went back to sleep. A little while later more crying. Ben went in this time to find her crawling under her bed looking for candy. She cried and cried about how she couldn't find her candy. Wow. It was a fun night.

-Both the boys just finished up soccer season and had a great time. They were most excited about the medals they got at the end. It was fun to see them play every Saturday and go to their practices during the week, but I'm not going to lie. It is nice to have my Saturday mornings back. Until Baseball starts. Their best plays were.... When James headed the ball. That was awesome. When Harrison saved 3 goals, he was the goalie.

-I am currently getting ready for the Disney World Marathon and Melbourne Marathon in Jan. I am really excited and eager to see how I handle 2 full marathons just a few weeks apart. I am not shooting for any great time on either. I have heard that the Disney is NOT a place to get a PR because there are so many people that you really can't go the speed you want. That should be interesting. I have finally found some running partners and it is so great to run with someone again. I forget what a difference it makes.

-Ben has been suuuuuper busy at work. Like, we never see him, busy. BUT, that has currently ended. who knows though how long that will last. I give it a week. He and I have started a new diet this last week. With all his hours working, sitting at a desk, well he wasn't getting thinner. We'll just leave it at that. So we are following the guy and his meals. Since I am training and exercising so much I have tweaked the diet a bit with more whole grain carbs and all that. And I am happy to say we are seeing results! I really didn't think I was going to see much change because I already eat fairly healthy, but I have lost on inch off my waist and a couple pounds. Ben has lost a lot more that that and he already looks thinner to me. We are having fun with it though, so that is good.

-Halloween! I never posted anything about Halloween. How sad. just FYI. Halloween here rocks. Everyone celebrates it. Your neighborhood is one big party and there are kids EVERYWHERE trick or treating. It is the bomb and I can't wait for next year. I was a little sad to not be having our big Halloween party this year, but we spent that $$ on the Mickey Mouse Halloween party instead. It was a blast. You could basically walk on any ride there. We got so much candy we were all sick by the end. THe Haunted mansion was amazing & we all just had a great time.

Okay I am sure there is more to write about but I am tired and really done looking at the computer screen. So for this week, I am done. Tune in Next week for our weekly update. ;)

Oh and if you can tell me where I got the title of this post from,(without googling it) I'll give you $100. ;)


rozanny said...

I'm so glad you guys are doing so well! We miss you guys, but we're glad that you're some place fun...

And don't worry about the $100, but isn't that the title of that movied about WWII... and the Jewish guy and his son that get put in the concentration camp? And his wife, who's not a jew volunteers to go because she wants to be near her family. He was absolutely hilarious in that thing!

rozanny said...

Just realized you weren't talking about Life is beautiful but about "Why it's just a boring ol' orange."

Sorry, don't know that one!

K said...

I didn't know they'd gone out there! How cool! And Gin is coming out to do the marathon too - did you know that? So maybe you'll see each other. Boys always have a hard time reading, by the way. And I hated subtraction, too. Glad you're alive and kickin'! Many kisses!