Tuesday, December 6, 2011

OUC Half Marathon, Elves & Sophie Gets Dressed

All righty then, what the heck even happened last week...hmm let's think back....

First off, there was my race on Saturday, which was AWESOME. Seriously, I kind of rocked it just a bit. I came in at 1 hr 41 min which is just below a 7:45 min mile average. I felt great the entire way and was able to really focus on my pace. So fabulous. Some sisters in my ward were running it as well so it was great fun to see them there and hang out with them pre and post race. I love running races with people I know, makes it a million times more fun.

After I got home from the race, we got the usual boring Saturday stuff done and then went to our little communities annual Christmas celebration. It started with a parade. we expected the kids to get a few pieces of candy, we did not plan on them getting a TON of candy. Every group that went by gave each kid a handful of candy. We have more than we did at Halloween. That's trouble right there. We had such a fun time though, Sophie got a little bead necklace from someone and she loved that. The boys were given little footballs and pedometers. james has been wearing his pedometer ever since and is amazed at all the steps he takes. They had a carnival and all that jazz going on. We left early, super tired from the early morning, but still had a great time. Later that night we went outside to watch firework show. The boys had been in bed so yes they were outside in their underwear, but it was magnificent! It was less than 1/2 mile away from us, so we had a great view and the kids loved it.

Okay, time to rewind a little bit. December started this week. In our home that means the elves come to visit every day until christmas. I think they were more excited about those elves coming than they are Christmas, but it's all part of it. Every day since thanksgiving "mom, is it December yet? how many more nights until the elves come? Are they coming tonight? When mom, when?" And finally, they came. They bring a treat or snack for each kid and the kids LOVE seeing what it is. Even if it is a tiny pack of fruit snacks or a little granola bar, they are happy. It is fun. Sophie calls her stocking a sock. "mom where is my sock? Is there candy in my sock? Can I go see my sock?" She has been up before the crazk of dawn checking her "sock". Funny baby.

Speaking of socks...Sophie has been getting all dressed up lately. In my big warm old lady fuzzy socks. She loves those things. She puts them on, and they go to her knees. She has been doing this for well over a year now and it is still so stinkin cute. She has finally figured out how to put her own underwear on. It took some bribing to make her do it herself, but yes she can. Which means that now she is always putting on whatever. The other night we told her, "okay lets go get in your jammies" she just looked at us, lifted up her dress to show us that she had her PJ shorts on underneath that dress. tricky little thing. We laughed at that one.

I am happy to say that Harrison has been a sweet funny little boy again. He is not at all perfect, and still has a potty mouth up the wazoo, but he is being more sweet that stinker, so it makes my heart happy. Last week I asked him "Harrison, how much do you love your mama?" he thought for a second and said "too much." I couldn't help but just give him a big hug right then. I am having one tiny problem with him though. I don't like all his little potty jokes and try to guide him with his sense of humor. But dang, sometimes he is really funny. I know I should correct him but it is really hard when I am laughing my head off. He so dang funny. I think he will make a great comedian one day. Or just be the fun guy that makes everyone laugh. we are still working on the word "the" it is still '' TA-HEH-AH" every. dang. time. sigh. one day we'll get it. one day. Other than that he is really improving in school and it makes my heart happy to see it. Good job buddy.

James is still james. reliable, sweet, smart and my bud. He is currently OBSESSED with beyblades. If you don't know what this is, count yourself very very blessed. seriously. Anyways, he and Harrison sing the song to the cartoon. They play the game EVERY chance they get. Man, it is a little insane. I can't wait for this romance to end. The cartoon is sooooo painful. Ugh. Anyways, he has been assigned at school to write a report on a different State. Of course he picked UT. The report has a lot of requirements for a 2nd grader. He has to go to the library. Check out 2 different books about UT and use them as sources for his report as well as citing them in the report. He aslo has to make a box and fill it with things that represent UT. We have been working on this daily, do a couple things on it each day and he is doing a great job.

Okay back to Sunday...as we were driving home from church we went past the park where the carnival had been held the day before and there in the middle of the park was a big pile of snow. It was Christmas magic to my kids. We pulled over and they ran to that snow. They loved it. made snowballs, ran and slid in it, Harrison started to eat it and then spat it right out... I guess they make snow at the carnival and this was the leftovers. It was such a great surprise and we loved it.

Sunday night we were so excited to have people come visit us. We had Ben's Aunt and cousins come for a bit and then a few neighbors for Hot Cocoa and fudge. I made the fudge myself and it was FABULOUS. White chocolate peppermint fudge. So good. We had so much fun with our friends though. I love living here, so many wonderful people. Everyone has been so kind and good to us. They all treat us like family and they are fast becoming family to us. Everyday I am grateful for their kindness and love towards us.

Okay well, dinner is just about done so I had better go get that table set and feed my kids. Have a great week and a very Merry Christmas!


Liz Robertson said...

LOL: jammies story, "teh-hee-uh", the thought of you unsuccessfully swallowing a laugh at H. And i am totally copying your elves stocking tradition. J is clueless about what's coming.

K said...

It's wonderful that you are finding your sense of place. You aren't hard to love, Em. And it's a big world out there full of all kinds of kindred spirits. I love to see how happy you are.

Susan said...

I love that the elves come to your house and that your kids love it. Jenny once told me that she stopped believing in Santa long before she stopped believing in the elves.