Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thanksgiving, Black Friday & No School!

AACK! I am almost a week late on this post. Oh well, better late than never. Let's get rolling.

Last week was fabulous! The best part was, no school!!! Yay! I love it when the kids are out, we go do what we want when we want to, we sleep in, we don't have homework and we don't think about anything school related at all. Pure awesomeness. So, on our free days we slept in, ate a lot of cold cereal (possibly for bfast, lunch & dinner) Played games, went to the park a few times with friends, rode bikes, watched movies, and just had a lot of fun. one of the days we ventured out to the Orlando Science center. It was awesome. They have several baby gators and got to help feed them. I thought we would only be there for a couple hours, but we ended up spending the entire day there. All the kids had fun, but we all liked the "hurricane" tunnel the best. It was a little tube thing you got into and shut the door and it simulated winds that were like a category 1 hurricane. It was actually a little crazy how hard the wind was blowing. I can't imagine what a category 2 or 3 or 4 would be like. sheesh.

On Wednesday evening we decided to head out to Disney World. It was super busy and every ride was about a 2 hr wait. So we skipped the popular rides and did all the little things. It was still fun. But the best part was that they had all their Christmas lights out and music playing. They even had "snow" falling. It really felt like christmas. We loved it! We had the funnest time just walking around looking at the lights and soaking it all in. Then we splurged a little and all got to pick out a goodie from the confectionary. I got white chocolate & peppermint fudge and it was the bomb. It was so fun to just sit and share our treats with each other while looking at the lights and listening to music. Such a fun fun night.

THanksgiving came fast! We had been invited by good friends to have a breakfast with them that morning. So I made some pies (That is all I cooked this year, 2 pies...awesome!) and we joined them. It was fabulous. She had made a bread pudding with pumpkin bread and then a cream sauce poured over the top. Oh my word I thought I had died and gone to heaven when I ate the. It took all my will power to not just scoop up an entire plateful of that stuff and gobble it all up. Best thing I ate on thanksgiving by far. Thank you Larean! The kids then had fun playing together while Ben went to play in the ward Turkey bowl. He had a great time with the guys and I actually think his team won.

We then spent the day being lazy as could be. Watching TV. Playing games, eating more apple pie, I took a was great. Then around 4 we decided to maybe get some dinner. So we headed over to Boston Market (a homestyle cooking restaurant) got our turkey dinner that included all the typical stuff and ran into some neighbors there. So we sat with them and had a thanksgiving feast with some friends. It was delicious, sweet potatoes were awesome, and I didn't cook a speck of it. My type of Thanksgiving.

After we were all filled I took Ben over to Target where he got in line for the Black friday madness. He was probably the 10th person in line, so we were pretty close to the front. I took the kids over to a friends for a dessert party and the kids had so much fun playing with all their friends and I had a great time visiting with the adults. It was such a great thanksgiving. Got to be with so many people I love here, didn't have to stress about cooking anything, just good food and lots of friends and fun. Perfect day.

I got a babysitter for the night and joined Ben at Target. It wasn't cold at all, and the time went by really fast. There were 2 women next to us that made us laugh our heads off. The one reminded me of Meryl Streep in Julia & Julia. She was so funny and had a bit of an accent so it made things even funner. I love meeting new people and enjoying their fun personalities. It was soon midnight, the line wrapped completely around the store and they let us in. It was very controlled and orderly. They had barriers so people had to go in single file, and they only let in 100 people at a time. And then waited several minutes. It was great. I got all my things in just a few minutes and was about to get out of there when Ben decided to get an Xbox 360. I am not going to lie, I wanted it too. I want that dang kinnect so we can have that dance game. I think it would be so much fun. The kids and I have dance parties all the time. So yeah, I didn't mind the purchase. BUT Target decided that everyone who was buying an electronic item (ipods, game consoles, cameras etc) had to check out at the electronics counter and there was only one checkout. COMPLETELY ridiculous. We waited almost 2 hrs to get checked out from there. lame. lame. lame. Once we were out of there though, we thought had better get one more fatty thing in our bellies before thanksgiving was completely over. So we had milkshakes and cheeseburgers at 2:30 am. Check out THAT healthy living. ;)

The next day, was of course, painful. Tired. hungry. But sick from all the crap food we ate. Trying to resist eating more treats. Ugh. not pretty. So I went for a great run and then I felt much better. We spent the rest of the day listening to Christmas music, getting the tree and all other christmas decorations up. It was great fun. The kids loved it. They loved helping me with the lights outside (it is GREAT to put lights up and NOT freeze to death). Harrison got some lights and put them up in his room. To his dismay, they were "crappy lights that don't really work" and so took the down. I got him a new string of lights and we filled their room with some Christmas magic.

I love Christmas and I really truly cannot wait for Christmas to come. I got ALL my shopping done that weekend and can't wait to give the kids their gifts. We got the boys some cool trikes (for older kids, you do tricks on them and stuff) Sophie is getting a set of Barbies. If you ask her want she wants for Christmas she'll say "a Bawbie doll. Santa bring me a bawbie doll". She loves those things. I also got her a little princess doll with a matching dress for her, she'll love that. And got both the boys nerf guns & beyblades. Then of course there are the jammies and coloring supplies that they always get. I can't wait for Christmas and it will be here before I know it!

Okay my time is up, I've got to go get the boys from school, but one more thing! I am so so grateful to have so many great friends here. They are like my little family and I love them all so much. They always include us and we have so much fun with them. We were invited to so many things and just had the best week ever. Thank you all! Love you!

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