Sunday, January 20, 2013

A New Car, a Girl's Night Out, & Harrison's Tears.

Wow. What a crazy crazy week. And this week will be just as insane. Oh boy, I'd better buckle up right now. Sheesh.

Okay so Monday......usual Monday stuff. Went to the gym with Ben, & ran some good miles. Sophie had fun at the daycare there, it seemed that most of her friends showed up too and I saw her in there holding hands with one of them dancing around the room. It was really cute. Then I went and spent all our money groceries and even more groceries. I swear food prices have tripled. For the love. I can never get that weekly bill down. Oh well.

We had a good Family Home Evening, we did some yard work, trimming the hedges and all that, for a little bit, had a little lesson and then had delicious brownies and ice cream. Clearly we haven't gotten back on the no sugar train. It'll be my goal after the marathon. Right now, I need that sugar. seriously. Or I can't handle the withdrawal, that's probably more correct. HaHaHa.

Tuesday I scrubbed walls, and baseboards and did all that awesome deep cleaning. And Sophie insisted on helping me, she followed me around with a spray bottle and rag washing doors and walls. It was really sweet of her.Then I Planted my flower garden, and she was just as helpful then. She got all the flowers out of their pots so I could plant them. We even got her a little flower and pot for her in her room. WE'll see how long before it dies. ;)  Ben and I went for a good long bike ride. And then I finished up a school project with Harrison. He had to write a report on Penguins. Neither He or I were into it. I may or may not have helped him color his penguin. But it got done, he wrote it all out himself, so that was good.

Then that night I was teaching the RS activity. It was one I had planned before I got released, so I was still a part of it this month. It was really fun. I love working with the women in this ward. They are so much fun. The RS made these delicious "energy" bites (okay they are basically no bakes with a few added healthier ingredients) THey have Peanut Butter, Coconut, Oats, Flaxseed, Honey & mini chocolate just mash it all together and roll it into little balls and they are so yummy! I think I ate like 10. I came home and made a bunch for my kids and they ate them just as fast. I think they might become a new staple here. mmmm. Yum. Anyways, it was a great activity and I miss being in charge of those. That was a good time.

Wednesday was of course filled with Running, Cleaning, Laundry. But I was way proud of my run that day. I did 8 half mile sprints and I did each one in 3:18 (6:36 min mile) It was not an easy workout and I thought I was going to puke at the end. Fortunately I had 3 other ward friends running with me and we had a good time chatting and wanting to die at the same time. It was fun. It was early out day and we met up with a few friends at the splash pad. It was perfect weather, the kids had a great time, and I got to hang out with more friends so it was a fabulous afternoon.

As soon as we were done there I came home, put together a quick dinner and James and I were off. I had another YW meeting plus I was in charge of the combined activity this week, which I think went really well. James got his homework done while I had my meeting, we went to our activities, he helped me carry stuff back out to the car and by 9:30 we were heading home. It had been a long day so we decided we needed some frozen yogurt. So we got some. He was pretty happy about that.

We had fun talking while we ate our yogurt. He said "mom, I know you don't really care about video games, and you don't like them very much, but I really want to tell you about this anyway okay?" I almost died laughing it was so funny. He went on to explain everything about this game he has been playing, you build and create things in it and he is in love.

Thursday Ben and I started our day out with a game of Tennis. Given the fact that it was only the 2nd time I had ever played, I think we did much better. I hit the ball a lot more and actually got it in the lines and didn't hit myself with the racket this time, so definitely an improvement. After that I showered and spent the rest of the day at Amy's house. We never get to hang out anymore, so we plan a day here and there when we can. It was great day. Sophie had Eve to play with her there, so she was in heaven. They played out on the trampoline and with dolls and ate an entire plate of cookies, so their little hearts were happy.  Amy and I made food and chatted and laughed our heads off and just had a great time. Love that woman. She's my sis out here.

While I was having fun, Ben was out buying a new car. Yes that's right, we traded in Ben's sports car. sniff sniff. I loved that thing. The leather, the engine, the everything about it. sniff sniff. But practicality got us and we traded it in. We now own a 2010 Honda Accord. It was $15,000. So I didn't feel too bad about the price. It is a pretty nice little car, we're happy with it. The kids love it too, probably because they can actually fit in "dad's" car now.

Thusday is also one of the days that James has SCience club after school and I forgot to tell Harrison. I went to meet him, and he didn't come until a teacher went to find him, he was waiting for James and brought him out to me. He was stressed, but it was really sweet. WE got to the sidewalk and a little girl was there. She is from his class and I guess she always waits for him and helps him out. so sweet.

The kids didn't have school on Friday. So what did we do? We had great plans to go to the beach and have a splendid day there...but it got COLD and WET all day. So we slept in. Went shopping (finally got another desk so my computer is NOT sitting on the floor) I got my run in, then Ben and I went out on a date. the YW presidency was having a luncheon for all the teachers the next day and I was supposed to make thank you gifts, which turned out beautifully! But I needed to get several things. So we went out for Pizza. Um best pizza ever. And mom, they have gluten free, so if you ever come here we know where to go! Seriously, I was in heaven it was so good. the crust melted in your mouth...mmm. Now I want more.

Anyways, we ran our errands, I came home and got everything put together, cleaned up and before I knew it it was 2 am. for the love. I never stay up that late. Then I woke up at 4:30 for no reason at all and didn't really go back to sleep. Sheesh. Not really what I had in mind. But my friend was meeting me to run, so we got our 12 miles in and then it was shower and head over to the luncheon. It was so perfect! It looked gorgeous. maybe I'll post a pic for ya. I framed a fancied up copy of this years theme and made a little treat for each, and the table was set beautifully. The lady that hosted is amazing, pretty much a Martha Stewart, but 100% gracious and I could totally see her being a general something other in the church one day. She is full of love for everyone and just amazes me. I am lucky I get to work with her. It was a fabulous afternoon though and I was so glad it went so well.

I came on home, died in bed for a couple hours. And then Ben took the boys to a Hockey game while Sophie and I had a girls night. We watched Beauty and the BEast while we did our nails and had some dinner. Then we went to the store, and on the way the poor girl got a horrible bloody nose that just would not stop. That girl and her bloddy noses, she gets them all the time and it freaks her out a little bit. But we got her all cleaned up and got our shopping done. picked out a couple treats for ourselves. After we got home, we played Barbies, ready books and ate our treats. It was a fun evening with her. I was glad to have a few hours with just her to play with.

Oh, cutest story. Friday night we watched Frankenweenie. The little boy's dog dies at the beginning and I look over at Harrison and he has little tears just spilling out. He tried to hide them, and blame it on the lights. But the lights didn't seem to bother him later. hehehe. It was so sweet. Ben and I were dying it was so cute. Love that sweet sweet silly boy. Harrison lost one of his front teeth on Saturday. It was pretty much hanging by a thread and he would NOT let us even near him to pull it out, or touch it or anything. but ben finally talked him into letting us tie a string on it and letting him pull it out himself. So he did and it came out no problem. THen today I noticed his other front tooth is just as wiggly. I wonder how long before he lets us pull that on out too.

I know I talked last time about Ben's company and how they were meeting with really Big investors this week. And they did. And the meeting went perfectly. I guess things went 100% smoothly. So that's what we heard on Monday & then didn't hear anything else all week. I know the guys were insanely busy with other meetings with other investors. But the waiting to find out what was going on was a little nerve wracking. But finally on Friday they contacted Ben for just a few minutes to say they got the funding they needed, not from who they expected, but it worked out, it was a crazy week of ups and downs and they'll report more later. So, I guess that is good? I want to hear all the details and know what all happened.

Anyways, that is all for now. Today was very nice, I am really liking the new curriculum for the Youth in the Church. One of the girls in YW today made such a great comment, I loved it and I love that these girls are really thinking about things. It is great to see.

And now I am home from BYD, Ben got the kids to bed, I am tired and ready for bed. Good night family.


K said...

Waiting for investors. Wearying. I love it when kids are moved by movies and books. Especially boys. I saw that in Cam a couple of times, too. A new flipping car? I had two of them once, and was a nervous wreck, worried about scratching them. - Girl, you DO have a busy life.

rozanny said...

I love how sweet all you kids are... and what a great help James is! And I agree with the new cirriculum! It's great!

Unknown said...

We too, own a 2010 Honda Accord. It is awesome! It has superb safety scores, good reliability, and superior build. It is very spacious too; our family is pleased with its amount of cabin space. The interior is the largest in its class, and it offers plenty of comfort, high-quality materials, and superior fit. What more can I say? Apparently, I love it. I can’t wait till my Dad hand it down to me. =)

Lawrence Harkness