Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Translation of James' Post

Upon arriving home from Grandma's with the biggest pumpkin from her garden James stated "Mom, we should grow a dinosaur in our garden next time....it would be little....and it wouldn't growl ..........um, no we should not grow a dinosaur, I was just kidding" It made me laugh. Today we played Doctor for quite some time. We turned the coffee table into the operating table, and then put teddy bears on there where James did surgery. He gave them shots, listened to their hearts and even gave them breathing machines (a plastic bowl over their mouth) Then he took them into the harry potter closet shut the door and used the remote to take x-rays. Then we played around on the computer and took about 100 pictures. Harrison loved seeing himself on the computer. James loved to make funny faces and take pictures. Yep it was a fun day.


John said...

I love that. It is so cute to have you allow him to type and then to translate.

Becca said...

i'm really excited to be a mom -- did I tell you that? inspiration....now i have a new post!