Monday, December 8, 2008

Transformer Bed Set

THe other day while I was shopping with my boys I saw a Transformers bed set. I really wanted to get it for James, but I have already spent too much on Christmas and decided not to get it. Well this weekend I rearranged the boys rooms and realized how trashed James' blankets and bedding are. For example. One of James' favorite blankets is pink with pink roses. yes, it was mine when I was a little kid and he loves the thing. However, it is shreds. 100% shreds.  I have been trying to sneak it out or get it away from him...with no luck. His other blankets are also hand-me-downs from me. I realized that I had never really gotten him his own special blanket. So, I decided to get that bed set for him. 

While he was at School today I went to the store, got the set, came home and made his bed with it. I then picked him up from school and told him to go make his bed first thing. It took some convincing but he finally went upstairs to make the bed. It was so funny. He just went in his room and just stopped. He didn't move or say anything, he was just standing there with his mouth open. And he would try to say something but would stop halfway. He was seriously in shock. Finally he squeaked out a "mom, did you buy this for me?" I told him I did. He just sat there staring for the longest time. I then showed him how the sheets were transformers too and that the pillow could be Optimus Prime or bumblebee. He thought that was just great. He then ran to go get Harrison and show him. Harrison came in and said "tran-mormers" It was cute. 

Tonight we went to Morrise's for FHE and James gathered up his new TRansformers blanket to show to Grandma. He showed everyone that came over. And then when we got home he made his bed, sat on it and just stared at the pillow and blanket.  I think he likes it.


Becca said...

AAAAAH! I'm so glad you did this. You are such a cute mom! What a good idea. I will have to remember that when my kids are older. James is such a doll!

John said...

It's funny how we can always find an excuse to buy what we want for our kids, and it is nice when they end up just loving it. I am in a "I have too many things stage." I have a big storage room that I am trying to dejunk, so whenever I see something in the store and think, "I must have that-- actually we really need that," I envision cleaning it up and tada, I find that I need a lot less. This works particularly well for toys for junk food. New sheets and blankets are pretty utilitarian, though. But right now, I doubt I would even buy them even if our's had holes. Sorry this is soooo long and rambley. James sounds so adorable.

Emily said...

I loved this entry. Isn 't that the funnest thing to do in the world, something special and wonderful to surprise your kid. And what a sweet kid that he just stood there and stood there and finally managed to ask if you bought it for him. That's a great story. We think of you guys often.