Friday, December 5, 2008

The Elves

So, in Ben's family the Elves come every night in December up until Christmas.  We liked that tradition and so have continued it with our family. I forgot how much James loves the Elves coming every night.  The first morning I told him to go check his stocking, he ran downstairs and was super excited about the Hershey's candy bar in his stocking. He said, "wow!! THe elves brought my favorite chocolate! How did they know?" And yes, a plain hershey's candy bar is James' favorite treat. Since then every morning he wakes up...unusually early, and asks me if he can go check his stocking. This morning he actually got up while it was still dark and I told him it was still dark and that the sun hadn't come up yet, to which he replied "The sun IS up, it is just behind a tree!" That made me laugh.  He gets so excited every morning no matter what is in his stocking. It isn't usually candy actually, it is often crackers or fruit snacks, granola bars, little box of cereal, etc. But he is so excited about it and I love it. He comes running up to me and shows me what he got and then gets Harrison and helps him get his treat out of his stocking.  Then they go into the playroom, sit themselves down at the table and enjoy their snack. Oh yeah, and in every prayer James says lately he remembers the elves ... "thank you for the elves to bring me a treat, bless they will come tonight" And then every night he says "I hope the elves come tonight". It is cute.


Becca said...

that is cute! What a fun kid. I really like that tradition as well. I think we will start doing it next year when Grace is old enough to care.

love ya chic. you're cute.

Hild Family said...

That is such a great idea! You always do such fun things for the holidays.

John said...

That sounds so fun. I mentioned this to John for us to do next year and he said something like, "times 25cents by 24 by eight people." We are both so bad about the bottom line. It makes for pretty neglected kids at Christmas. Oh well. I still think we were meant to marry even if it would have been nicer for our kids at Christmas time if one of their parents was willing to just spend on a little extra. Our big extra seems to be orange juice and sausage for breakfast. We are lame.