Sunday, February 8, 2009

Nesting...My Obsession

Wow, has it really been 2 months since I last posted anything? Sheesh! Slacker! Well, If you have been wondering what in the world ever happened to me, I have one answer. Nesting. Nesting gone super crazy! Seriously. I feel like an insane crazy person. In the past month or so I have felt like I need to have everything 100% absolutely perfect all the time. However, I have two wild indian boys and so my house is usually far from perfect. So then I just get really cranky and go on some crazy cleaning spree until things are the way I like them.  I also have been trying to get everything 100% organized, every closet, every room, every drawer. Mostly my efforts have only lasted a day or two, but I do have to say that the garage is much more organized and the storage room under the stairs now  has shelves in it (I put them in myself!) and has all of our food storage nicely put away.  I have been going crazy about getting everything ready for this baby girl to arrive. Since Harrison surprised us and came so early, we weren't even one bit ready for him. So it was driving back and forth from the NICU getting clothes cleaned, crib set up, bottles washed, shopping done...not an amazing thing.  But I am happy to say that if she were to come tomorrow, we would be ready for her. We have the car seat, diapers, burp cloths, clothes, more than enough clothes, her room is cute and ready to be used, and so now we just play the waiting game for the next month.  

Yeah, I have been crazy. I know i have been. I was reading a pregnancy book the other night and it had a section about nesting and it said that some women feel some urge to get everything clean and organized while others go crazy about it cleaning out every closet, washing all the walls, cleaning curtains...okay yes those are all things that I have done lately. HA! So actually this week I have been trying NOT to nest quite so much. I took the boys swimming...twice. I have been taking them walking with me at the track almost every day. I have been trying to pay more attention to them, and let the house go just a little bit.  We've had fun. 

As far as baby Sophie goes and when she will be arriving...well, come March 13th she will arrive no matter what. They will be inducing me that day for sure.  She is not a big mover, and so I have had to have NST's and have a DR's appt every Monday. So far she is doing well, and so they think I will go full term, but if she shows any signs of distress, then they will bring her here.   She freaks me out sometimes though.  The other day I hadn't felt her move all day and so I drank some juice and laid hour goes by....still nothing...another 30 min...nothing. At this point my mind is going crazy, remembering how things were with Harrison.  I am sure if anyone took my blood pressure or heart rate at that point it would have been through the roof. Anyways, I was picking up the phone to call a neighbor to watch the kids while I went to the hospital and the baby suddenly started moving...a lot! I was glad. She moved well for the next hour or so.  

Anyways, I am getting really anxious and excited for her to get here safe and sound. Ben and I both are. James is too, he remembers her in every prayer. in fact tonight he said "bless baby sophie to get strong, and to be healthy and that when mom pushes her out it won't hurt" He is very sweet. I told him not to worry, that the Dr and Nurses will help me. But.... as we all know it WILL hurt, a lot as I am delivering this one naturally...yikes! When I start to think about that it freaks me out a little bit. But I can do it. So, now it is late, and I am tired and ready for bed.  I will post some belly pics tomorrow.


Mark and JanaRae said...

Have you read Natural Childbirth the Bradly method? Heather Allen has it. I would reccomend reading something to prepare for natural childbirth or you just might be out of control. I sure was. I don't remember much but anytime I talk about going natural again Mark is quick to remind me of all the details he would rather not experience again.

K said...

YOU FIGURED OUT THE PARAGRAPH THING!! I'm SO proud of you!! And Sophie - I love that name. Gave it to my Arabian horse. How wonderful that you know her by name already. I did natural childbirth EVERY DARN TIME. Even with M, when I'd decided that dang it, I was going to do it like everybody else, finally. No chance. He was too eager to get the heck out of there. I'm glad you are being so careful of your Sophie.

John said...

Nice to see you back, and it was fun talking with you the other night. I need to get nesting so we can sell our house. So I had better go. Take a look at Becca's blog. Poor thing. I wish I could go pick her up and take her out for the day.

Karyn said...

We need some pics of her cute room! (and your cute belly ;)

You know me. I did the whole total crazy nester going crazy thing too. It's insane. I am more productive when pregnant than any other time!

Becca said...

Finally a post...however, I sent you those pictures...where are they? post them pronto tonto.

You are so cute. I can't believe you are doing this one natural, but hey you'll be able to brag about that the rest of your life. Forget your marathon -- this is a true test of strength and mind over matter. ;o) You'll do awesome!

I AM SO EXCITED TO MEET YOUR SOPHIE!!!!! I cannot wait. I am truly excited for you! I keep thinking "any day she will have her baby..." and then I realize you still have a month and I think..." or not." and I am sad. I want to see her!