Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ice Cream Sundays

Yes, I know how to spell Ice Cream Sundaes. I do. Just listen for a moment and you'll get it.

Our boys have never enjoyed Sunday. They just don't. I mean let's think about it, kids you can't wear those awful old shorts and shirts you love so much, you have to wear a button up shirt that drives you a little crazy, and do that top button for a nice little tie. No flip flops, your nice sunday shoes, please keep your hair nice and DO NOT spill on that shirt before church pleeeease!

Then...Sit and be reverent for 3 hours. Yes, 3. I know, it is longer than a movie, and no you may not bring your transformers or bouncy ball. You may bring paper and crayons, but only to color on after the sacrament. Then it is off to primary, sit for another 2 hrs, and then come home. Can we play video games? No. Can we go swimming? No. Can we go play at a friends? No. We usually answered that last one with, Well we are going to grandmas tonight so you will be able to play with your cousins later on. And grandma will make cookies and we will have a fun night together.

Well, now that we live in FL, we don't get to go to Grandma's house on Sunday and eat cookies. I think that was the one thing they looked forward to on Sunday. So now, we go on walks, we play games together, we even make cookies, but they were still never very excited when they asked what day it was and I told them "sunday". They get this grouchy look on their face and say "I hate sundays, they are the worst, we can't do ANYTHING." I would try and point out all the things we CAN do on Sunday and that is actually is a fun day, but they were never convinced.

So then one Sunday we came home, hot & hungry and dug in the freezer for some much needed ice cream. We all sat around the table eating it and had a lot of fun talking about everything and which flavor was our favorite and it hit me. Ice Cream Sundays. We make it a tradition to eat ice cream after church each week. You can have it any way you want, cone, bowl, chocolate syrup, caramel. And Saturday night we all go to the store together to pick out which flavors we want to try.

We have only been doing this a month, but I have to say so far it is a success! Our kids actually get excited for Sunday now. They all call it Ice Cream Sunday, but I am just glad they aren't moping around all through church anymore. They get so excited for the different flavors or how many scoops they are going to is great.

So there you have it, & if you ever want to join us for Ice Cream Sundays, we would love to have you.


Liz Robertson said...

that is brilliant. don't kids love it when they ask for something they want and you say 'yes, and as much as you want'? i'm always telling jessica to not touch my computer, so she loves it when I show her how to type, press escape, and load up elmo videos.

maybe we will join you. or i will at least copy you! thx 4 sharing.

K said...

May I just say that I think Sunday is a drag, too? Oh, now that I'm older, I enjoy some of the meetings - sometimes a lot, other times, not so much. But sometimes. I think your idea is really, really good. But i can't eat ice cream. So a nap will have to do it . . .