Monday, January 23, 2012

January Randomness

Back to my usual posts!

Okay, so what the heck has even happened. The kids had a 3 day week at school, which made the week go super fast. Also, both of the boys had field trips that week. For those of you that have never been here. We live in Orlando, but we live in a little charming little community in the middle of it.

Our Neighborhood

 We have a little grocery store, bank, gas station, YMCA, little shops, a bakery, cafe's, restaurants...all within a short walking distance. So on Tuesday we walked from the school to the "downtown" area to walk around the town. We went to the grocery store, publix, and the kids got a tour. It was great fun. They showed the kids how they grind meat, they decorated a cake for them and then gave it to them. They made them chicken, it was awesome. Harrison had a lot of fun and liked being the leader with his mom.

 Then the next day we had James' field trip. We went to the bank, the bakery, the coffee shop, then played kickball at the park with all the kids. It was such a fun day with James. He and I were running the kickball game and it was fun to cheer on his class and get to know all his friends. He has a friend, jonathon, who is the biggest tease I have ever met. He is hilarious. We all laughed and laughed with him. I'm glad James has such a fun friend. Oh funny random conversation I had with my kids.

 Me: Harrison who did you play with today?
Harrison: um no one wanted to play with me today.
James: Harrison you can play by yourself you know. That's what I do when my friends are gone. I just go out to the field, find a spot of dirt and pretend to play beyblades.

 My kids are amazing.

 Anyways, back to that amazing week. We spent Friday at the beach and it was fabulous. We met friends there, the kids played, we chatted, and just had a wonderful time together. Then Saturday I went for a 10 mile run with a friend and thought I was going to die! My legs we just dead. Nothing left in them, I struggled the entire way. Bleh. Since then I have run a couple of 8 milers and it hasn't gotten any better. So I just stopped running, and have been biking. That is all though. The marathon is in a few days...I'm probably going to die, but whatevs.... I have to be done in under 4 hrs though so I can still make it to church. That'll get me to the finish line. :)

Speaking of church, I got a new calling this week as well. I knew I was getting a new calling, but I didn't know what it was. That's what happens when your husband is the executive secretary . It drove me crazy that he knew what they were calling me to and I had no idea. Anyways. I am right back where I was a year ago. First counselor in the relief society, which in this ward, is over the activities. I was so excited! Very happy about it. Can't wait to serve the women in this ward and get them together.

James and Harrison both got their report cards last week and I was so impressed. James made the honor roll and Harrison has improved since the last grading period. Still struggles in the reading area, but he is rocking the math. He is so smart with numbers. It amazes me. But he can't read to save his life. Oh well, he'll catch on, I know he will. To celebrate we went with our good friends, the Hillis' for some frozen yogurt and then off to chic fil-a for some chicken nuggets and play time at the play place. We all had a great time.

At some point we made it over to Hollywood studios, I am thinking we did that on Saturday. But we had so much fun together. James and I went on the Rockin' Roller Coaster and I LOVE that coaster. It is by far the funnest one Disney has. James and I always have fun together there. THen we made it on over to the Magic Kingdom where I finally got Harrison to go on Splash Mountain! He is terrified of most of the coasters and will not go on them. But with a little bribery (chocolate) he went, and he loved it! as soon as we were done he wanted to go again. I was so excited. Ben and I want to get a babysitter for Sophie and just take the boys sometime so we can all go on the big rides together. I think that would be great fun.

Another thing we have been doing this month nights with the kids. I have already mentioned it but it has been fabulous. Sometimes I just want the kids in bed but they look forward to it so much and they love doing any little thing with us. I love it. This week I made sugar cookie dough, we rolled it out, painted it with food coloring and cooked them up. They loved that. Harrison even made one for his true love, Carly.

Oh man, that Harrison is in serious love with this girl. He writes her notes constantly. I feel a little bad for her and her parents because he gets a little crazy about it. THe other day we were walking home from school and he brought home a note she had written. He then told me he wrote her lots of notes. James then piped in "Harrison are THOSE the notes you wrote her?" And across the street was Carly and her dad walking home from school with a huge stack of notes in hand. Seriously, it was a ton. harrison said "yep, those are my notes!" he was so proud. Cute lovey little boy. When he loves, he loves big.

Hmm, what else..oh yes...can I say how much I love having good friends. I have a friend here, Amy Hillis who makes me laugh every time I am with her. She is so much fun and I just love being around her, you can't help but be in a good mood when you are with her. We work out together twice a week but I wasn't able to make it this week. So I told her to just come on over and hang out after she was done at the gym. So she did. And we just sat and laughed and chatted while I made banana bread. We had such a fun time and I was just reminded how grateful I am for good friends who make our lives complete and fun.

Okay, I think that is all for now. I started writing this post like 3 weeks ago and just never finished it. So here it is finally. I will try and post again next week to report on my pathetic race this weekend. Oh man I am DOOMED!!!!


1 comment:

Amy Eds said...

SO SO fun to read! I love your funny kids! I LOVE James' advice to Harrison-so awesome!