Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A Full Day

Today was a full, but good, day.  It started off at 7 am with Ben hitting the snooze one last time and me nudging him to get out of bed, which he did.  Soon he was off to school and I was waking the kiddos up to go for a morning walk. They are so cute when they wake up, I love it. Harrison was still asleep but started jumping around his crib and then went back to sleep. James and I decided that he had been dreaming that he was a rabbit.  I gave them some cereal and we were off on our walk.

My boys love to go for walks.  We go for walks nearly every day. They love to hear and see the train, cows, and birds around the neighborhood. James was really chatty this morning and was asking me stuff about everything "why is the road so dirty? we should clean it up Why are they building that house? What happened to that car" etc. It was fun though, I like to answer his many questions. The other day in the car he asked us how the baby gets out of my tummy. I laughed my head off at that one. 

After a couple miles it was time to get home, shower, clean kids up and dressed and off to Gma Robertson's to be baby-sat while I went to a Dr's appointment.  Their cousins were there, so that made it even more exciting. I went to my appointment and heard the baby's heartbeat. It was  steady 150, which was what both my boys always were, so that made me think I am having another boy. sigh.  But I was really glad to hear that little heartbeat in there and remind myself that it is a little baby and it is ours. I am so excited. I can't wait to hold the little one in my arms and see what it looks like.  I am excited to see James love and take care of the baby. He loves babies so much, and is so excited for this one.   It will be fun to see him bond with this one.

After the appointment  I went back to Gma's and while the boys played outside I picked raspberries. They began by helping me, but were eating more than I was picking. Then they found the blacckberries and honestly, Harrison just plopped himself down and ate as many blackberries as he could. his face, hands hair, shorts and shirts were covered in blackberry juice. It was the cutest thing ever and I was so sad not to have my camera with me. I love that my kids love fruit and veggies so much. I love to see them sit in the garden and eat as they pick, it is fun. 

While I was picking the raspberries though I kept thinking, "oh is Harrison okay? check on Harrison" So I kept checking on him and he was fin, just sitting there eating berries. I finished with the berries and took them inside. Right after I went inside I heard Harrison screaming. I ran outside and James and Joseph were swinging on this swing that has seats for four and can swing very high. But it is all hard plastic and metal, so very dangerous if a kid gets in the way. Which is exactly what Harrison has done. The poor little guy had a good bruise and scrape forming on the side of his face and forehead. His arm had two pretty deep cuts in it, and his back and shoulders were scraped up. I felt so bad for my little one. I calmed him down and after a nice bath and band aids he was feeling much better. But he looks like he just came out of a war zone.  Poor little kid.

So after that, the boys did not play on that swing. They rode bikes instead or played in the sand box, they still had plenty fun together. So I picked tomatoes while they played. I have to say that I really do love gardening. I love to see things grow and take care of them and then harvest whatever fruit or veggies we get. It is always so fun. There weren't a lot of tomatoes, but enough for a couple batches of tomato soup. mmmmm. I am so addicted. So I brought the kids inside and made tomato soup for my parents and then came home to made dinner for us. We had enchiladas. They were very tasty too. But I have to say, by the time dinner was over, I was really tired of being on my feet and was wishing I could just go to bed. But Ben and I cleaned the house, bathed kids, read stories, scriptures and had prayer. The kids then went to bed.  James actually stayed up a little longer. He and I played with legos for a little while. Harrison had broken one of James' sets earlier and I promised James I would help him rebuild it, so we did. So now, ah..., the kids are in bed, I am having a snack, in my my PJ's and am ready to just relax. 

Oh bragging moment here. In the last month I have run 3 half marathons. Provo River Half, Hobble Creek Half, and Spanish Fork Half.  yep I am awesome. Slow, but awesome.  :)  


K said...

I used to love picking our raspberries. I think I probably still have some in a bag or something buried in the fridge from about ten years ago. Sigh. I'd make a rotten farmer - don't like to garden much, and never get around to eating what I grow.

Swings can be really scary.

Becca said...

wow look at you prego gardening chef mom! I am so impressed. It's weird how we are doing things that as teenagers we never would have imagined us doing. like my making a quilt and wanting to do geneology, and you gardening and making homemade EVERYTHING. (your rolls!!!) You are awesome!

I'm so excited that you got to go to the Dr. Even though these mid-appointments are always just short and sweet I love it everytime. I can't WAIT for you to have this kid, seriously. But i am so sure it's a girl. I think you're just due to have a girl, that's all. ;o)

anyway, love ya chic. call me sometime, or come down and let's go shopping or something. You know, if you don't mind dropping me back off at home, Grace and I could hitch a ride with James on his way to work to your house sometime. Anyway -- call me. it's been forever!

Becca said...

that was so long. my apologies.

Ginna said...

you are awesome it's true!!

John said...

Okay, wow!!! I bet it feels good to stay in shape while you are pregnant. My last, I exercised and ate mostly veggies and then I started getting that icky fat on my sides and again anyway, about half way through the pregnancy, so I said, forget this and ate all the dessert I wanted. Now, 8 months later, I am still stuck with that icky fat on my back and sides and still want to eat dessert first.