Thursday, September 11, 2008

Pictures from the Summer

Okay, so here are a truckload and a half, of pictures. Most of them are from this summer, but there are some older ones too. Okay, let's start with the oldest picture.
This one is from my sister, Becca's, wedding. I was the maid of honor, so I got a bouquet too. Aren't Ben and I the cutest?

This next one is a family picture my mom just gave to me and I love it. I love how little and chunky Harrison is, I love James giving that egg a weird look, and I think Ben and I look good too. Oh yeah, and my hair is hecka long. I guess I did cut 14 inches off, so...yeah. It makes me miss my long hair and wish my hair looked like that right now. But if it did I would probably just be wanting to cut it again. That is how hair goes.

This is another one from my mom of me at the Marathon I did in May. I like it. I had just crossed the finish line so I look a little crazy.

These ones are form the Freedom Run on the morning of the 4th. Most of my family ran it, as you can see. I was so proud of all of them for all their running this summer. It was so much fun! I was so excited to see each person cross the finish and cheer them on, it was great fun. I was proud of my time on that one too. It was a 10k (6.2 miles) and I got 52:10. Not too shabby.

These pictures are from the day/evening of the 4th. I loved James and his big cupcake. I laughed my head off at Harrison with his black mustache. I honestly have no idea what was around his face but my brother called him Don Carlos. He is cute. 

These one are of the very next day, we were having a family reunion and I hosted some family races. There was a 5K for the adults, which we all did and it was awesome. Even though we were all really tired from the race before, but it was still fun. All of our kids cheered us on. Then we had some kids races, and those were the highlight of the summer I swear. They had so much fun! They were so excited and were just so happy the whole time and they all got prizes and medals, it was great. I love these pictures because you can see how happy they all are. I love the one of James close up. He is really concentrating. That was right at the end of the "long distance" race for the kids and he won and was really excited.

These ones are just a couple from our trip. I love the one of Ben and James. They were both so excited to be there, I don't know who was more excited, but they had so much fun together. It was great. I also love the one of Harrison and I and James at the restaurant. Harrison is smiling his perfect sweet little smile and I love it!

And then these last ones are from our Provo River Half Marathon which once again, most of my family ran and I was 100% proud of all of them. It was the funnest race ever and yes I was running for 2, and still am as you all know. My sisters made me that shirt for the race and I loved having people know that I was pregnant and running. Yeah.  Oh and that first picture is my sister in-law Emily, that I ran with all summer. We had so much fun running through the canyon each weekend.  And once again, Ben and I are just about the cutest couple ever. I loved running that with him.


Becca said...

SO FUN! I love looking at pictures. And let me tell you all my favorite things about these pictures:

my husband in the background of the kids all lined up, talking with his arm raised up high the air.

joseph is prancing.

Jay is very proud of his body.

I am not proud of mine.

Your long hair is freaking gorgeous.

Jeremy has pretty short shorts. I'm surprised.

harrison has the cutest face in that disneyland photo

and an 80 yr old man is in front of ben at the race

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Harrison's moustache is perfect.

I like how there's a 200-year-old guy beating Ben in the half-marathon.

Just kidding. When I looked closer, I saw that the guy that's beating him in that picture is Arnie Garr, one of our parents' seminary teachers from way back in the day.

John said...

I liked seeing all the pictures. Harrison is sure a cutie....Watch out girls in about 12 years!!

Trudy Ann said...

James looks so much like ben it is scary!