Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween Fun!

Okay so as you can tell from the very first picture, we have been having a lot of Halloween fun around here, at least Ben has that is. J/K. No really, tonight for FHE we carved our pumkins. Ben carved two, a good old Jack-O-Lantern, and then made a TRansformers one for James. Which James loved by the way. Harrison and I made one together, okay I did the whole thing myself, but he was by me while I did it. His and mine is the more goofy looking one.  When we first cut the pumpkin open we told James to scoop out the seeds and he was really excited to do that until  he looked inside the pumpkin and then told us how disgusting that was. We laughed. We had fun tonight though, we had donuts and all that. It made for a fun FHE.

The other pictures of Ben and I cooking are of Saturday night. We have been wanting to make a pumpkin pie out of a pumpkin and make it all from scratch, so we did. we bought the "cooking" type of pumkpin, cut it up, cooked it, mashed it up and made pie filling. Okay Ben did all that part, I put kids to bed and then made the crust. I was proud of myself for making the crust, I am never very good at that and this one turned out okay. i also made  pie cookies with the leftovers. (crust sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar and baked) The kids loved those.  We had quite a bit more pumpkin leftover though. So we made some pumpkin juice. It was more like a pumpkin smoothie, but it was still good. james really liked that. And then the rest we saved for the next day and I just cooked and seasoned it and served it with dinner. It was good. Better than squash.  So yeah we used up that pumpkin. It was really fun though to do all those things together. Ben and I had fun and we had lots of fun eating all that good pie. Oh and trust me, it was so dang good.  A fresh made pumpkin pie is way way way yummy. I couldn't stop eating the darn thing.


Unknown said...

It looks like you guys have had the best Halloween ever. I have to admit, I was a little envious of the Transformers jack-o-lantern.

Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. You can have so much fun!

John said...

Hey we had the same family home evening with carving pumpkins and donuts!!!! Ever so yummy. I have three pumpkins that I am going to cook-- some for pie and pumpkin roll and some for dinner. My girls saw a pictures of James and said, "I remember him, he pulled off his shirt and screamed, 'I want more milk...I want more milk...', and it was during a tea party when you are suppose to have manners1" Kids are so funny!!! Glad you are having such a wonderful time.

Becca said...

these pictures are adorable. and so is your hat! love it to death my friend!

we decided to paint our pumpkins this year. I will have to post how that came out. hahaha. it's actually scary even though we (or at least Grace and I) tried to make them cute, and NOT scary. haha.

Karyn said...

Yum! Don't you just love cooking together? It's one of my favorite things to do with David (that and running :)

P.S. I need your roll and bread recipe. And very specific details and how to not mess it up!

P.P.S. Where did you get your cute brown hat? I love it!