Monday, February 25, 2008

Our weekend, and then some.

Just a warning, this blog is not anything amazingly funny, or interesting. It's just the goings on here the past few days.

So last thursday my neighbors and I took our kids to Jump on It...James loved loved loved it. Every time we drive by it he tells us once again how he went there and how fun it was. I will admit though, it is a pretty fun place. For those of you that do not know, it is pretty much like 100 trampolines all put together, and oyu can just go jump to your hearts content. And they also have a bunch of those big blown up slides and jumping gyms, the kids of course loved those as well. Anyways, so that was a fun thing to add to a usually dull Thursday. Then Friday afternoon, I got the sudden urge to take the kids to see the Bee movie at the dollar theater. I didn't think Harrison would last very long, but he actually sat there for an hour before he got tired of it. James really liked going to a movie with us, and had a good time.
Saturday was the usual long run in the morning, but when I got home we packed the kids up and took them to McDonalds for breakfast. that was really fun. James kept saying how much he loved the sausage and ate the thing very slowly but eventually finished it. Then Ben and I went on our Saturday night date. We pretty much just went window shopping and ended up at Pudding on the Rice. I have never been there before, but I quite like Rice pudding and so it was fun to try different flavors. I got white chocolate and Coconut. I ate all the coconut and then saved the white chocolate till I got home. I then put raspberries on it and oh my heck that was about the yummiest thing I've had in a while. That night both the boys starting coughing their heads off.
So Sunday was a stay at home with sick kids day but that's okay. We had a nice day anyway. After kids went to bed Ben and I decided that we needed more rice pudding, having never made it before, we looked up a recipe online and tried it. It turned out really well. the kids ate the leftovers today and James keeps talking about the yummy rice pudding. He told Ben "good job dad making the yummy pudding" I love it when James tells us good job for something.
Then today, it was running, shopping, cleaning, laundry, and FHE. We had a great FHE though. We learned about Samuel the Lamanite, and then played Samuel the Lamanite. Which goes like this. Each person takes a turn sitting/standing on the couch and tells all of us to repent and be good while the rest of us through balls, pillows or other soft things at them. It was a hit. (no pun intended there) The kids loved it and they will for sure remember who Samuel the Lamanite was. After that we went and got ice cream cones, (wow we eat a lot of treats, good thing I am running so much) And now the kids are in bed, chores are done and I am ready to go to bed. Oh yeah, James helped me do some extra chores today and so I gave him 25 pennies. He really wants this Lightening McQueen fishing pole he saw at Target and so I told him to save up his money and he could get it. And I have been really surprised that he actually has been sticking to that. He puts all his money in a little plastic bank I got him and he does extra chores for me and he always asks if he has enough yet, it is fun. But I think I had better go buy the thing and hide it somewhere before they are gone because by the time he has enough $$ for the thing, the summer will be half over, and I would feel pretty bad if he had saved up all this time and then it was gone. So yeah.....anyways, those are the past few days here. The kids have stopped coughing their horrible cough. So tomorrow hopefully it will be warm again and they can go play outside.


Becca said...

how fun! for some reason this post made me miss summer. i dont know why.

K said...

You could always relent after he's done all that he can do - and make up the diff. It's a great lesson in the atonement. And it would be so much more fun for him to buy it from the store -