Thursday, February 21, 2008


Okay so my kids LOVE Tang. They really do, but I don't mind because it saves the yummy Tropicana OJ for Ben and I. But anyways, every morning the firsts words out of James' mouth are "mom, can you get me some Tang?" Lately I have been getting his cup of Tang ready and on my nightstand when I go running in the morning because he often wakes up while I am in the shower. Anyways, last week I was in the shower, James woke up, and I had not made his Tang yet. So James being the independent little boy that he is ( I don't know where he got that from) ;) Showed up in the bathroom with a cup of tang proudly exclaiming that he had made it all by himself! He was so excited and proud of himself, it was great. I was curious though about the mess waiting for me in the kitchen and the state of his tang. First off, the mess wasn't too bad, I was impressed. However, one scoop of tang powder makes 2 quarts. James' cup had about 6 oz in it. I asked him how much tang he put in his cup and he proudly told me one scoop. Yeah.......that was the brightest color orange I have ever seen. It was also very....sludgy. He drank some of it, and told me it was "too spicy" , So I fixed him a new cup.
My kids also love Ovaltine. And today while I was getting ready james showed up with a brown mustache telling me the Chocolate Milk is not as easy as Tang. I just started laughing. I went to the kitchen, there was about 1/2 cup of ovaltine powder in about 1/4 cup water....yeah that wasn't working out so good. but from the looks of things he at least enjoyed several spoonfuls of ovaltine before adding them to his cup. Today I taught him how to make Tang and Chocolate Milk. We'll see how it goes.


K said...

Amazing what we can teach them. And we don't usually realize they're ready to learn until we're sopping up the result of them teaching themselves. It sounds to me like you're feeling a little more strong these days and cheery - not that you sounded weak and cheer-less. It's just, being mommy is tough sometimes.

I think you are wonderful.

Becca said...

bing bong that's amazing! How cute are your kids? I'm going to call you. We have much to chat about.

Jules said...

Amandas kids love it as well. They call it monkey juice. So cute

John said...

well now begins new kinds of messes that he still won't want to clean up. Actually, I really appreciate it when my kids can do more for themselves and in the long run it is easier. Even if at first there are some spills or mishaps of whatever independent thingy they are doing.