Sunday, January 10, 2010


So, anyone that knows me, knows I am beyond obsessed with running. And yes it is an obsession of mine. I'm crazy about it. And I have always dreamed about running really fast, and placing in a race or qualifying for the Boston marathon. Last year I had a baby though, and so of course with the pregnancy I was not working on speed at all, just getting a few miles in here or there, very slow ones at that. And then came my beautiful little girl and I was back up and running, but once again I was up nights with a newborn and trying to catch up on getting in shape and all that.

So now, this year, is my year. It is. I am going to do those things. I am going to place in a race and I am going to Qualify for Boston or die trying. one of the two. I went to go sign up for my most favorite race, the Ogden Marathon. This is, in my opinion, the best Marathon out there. Seriously, the organization is great, the course is a very gentle downhill the entire way. You run through some of the most beautiful country ever. THe post race food and such is amazing. You get an awesome medal even if you are just doing the half. It isn't very expensive, and I have run it before so I KNOW the course perfectly.

So yeah I really bummed when I saw that the race was full. WHAT! full! Crap! That was supposed to be MY race, where I get some screaming awesome fast time! THat was the race I was specifically training for! And it was on my B-day, what more could I want? And now, grrr!!! However, you COULD run it, IF you paid the VIP fees...of $200. Um, yes I absolutely did pay those fees. And I only spent a day thinking about it.

Okay so now that I have paid way too much for it, I HAVE to run it well, and very well. My goal time is 1:35:00. So that is 13.1 miles, holding about a 7:30 min mile. I am so positive that I can do this, and I am so excited to run it. I am eager to train, to get faster, to power up the one hill, and then fly on down the rest of the canyon. I have been reading and finding as much information as I can on speed work and training tips. I started training this last week. I didn't do a ton of miles, but I worked my legs and cardio good. I did hills one day. And it was a great workout for my legs, They felt like jelly by the end.

Saturday I did a "test run" My friend and I went for our usual Sat run. We only did 10 miles so nothing very huge. But I wanted to hold an 8 min mile, and then pick up the pace for the last 3 miles to a 7 min mile. I was so surprised at how easy it was to hold those paces, and how well I was able to run, even though it was only 16 degrees outside. I kept a decent pace throughout, and then the last 4 miles I held about a 7 min mile. It felt so good just to fly through those last miles and push myself just a hair more to keep it up. After that run I was so confident that I can get the time that I want from this race and possibly even better. I am excited to continue training and improving. And I can't wait for race day to kick some serious trash. This is my year, I'm going to do it.


John said...

If you go to the Boston marathon, I will come. It will be a good excuse to go East again. Good Luck.

Em said...

I died trying. See October 2010 post on St. George Marathon. It broke me.