Monday, October 1, 2007

Gardner Village

Last night Ben returned from a several day business trip. So today he took the day off, and we went to Gardner Village. I have never been there before, but people had told me it was pretty fun, and that it was all decorated for Halloween. We, being the Halloween crazies we are, wanted to go check it out. We were not disappointed. First off, the candy shop had the yummiest pumpkin fudge ever, I want more now! The boys got little pumpkin suckers, that kept them happy for quite a while. It was really cool there though. There were pumpkins and witches EVERYWHERE. There was a witch in a boat in the pond. A witch peddling on a bike in the air, some witches playing baseball. Witches on the roof, at every doorway, and around every corner. It was so fun. James said he liked the ones playing baseball the most. Ben liked the bike one, and I liked the one in the pond, although the one on the bike was pretty cool looking. That place really did have the coolest Halloween decorations ever. I wanted to buy everything, but I am proud to say that we only got a couple little treats and a pony ride for James. There was a petting zoo and pony rides. Harrison loved the sheep, he liked their wool. He laughed really hard, chased the thing down and then grabbed it with both hands and rubbed his face on them. It was really cute. He has always liked fuzzy things on his face, so I am not too surprised. James got to ride one of the ponies. He was a little afraid of the animals when he got up close to them, but from a distance he loved them and said "Oh look, how cute!" He was so excited to ride the pony, but he was a little afraid while riding it. I was sad we didn't take a camera with us. Probably James' and Harrison's favorite place was the bakery, where we got cookies and donuts, and the toy store where they had a Thomas train set that they could play with, and they did. I liked just about every store, but there was a Christmas store there and me being the Christmas crazy that I am, could have spent all day there. I have always loved the little miniature villages people have at Christmas time and have always wanted to get one. This place had every Christmas village set you could imagine. They were all over. They also had Halloween villages and I thought they were just as fun. After all of our Gardner Village fun, we went to Carl's Jr, and ate like pigs. Harrison found a new love, Fry sauce. At first he just dipped the fry in and sucked off the sauce, then he just grabbed the entire container of fry sauce and drank it up, I later found him with the paper container in his mouth ( I guess he was just getting every last drop). It made me laugh pretty darn hard though. All in all, I think we had a pretty fun day.


James, Kira, Rylee, Jett and Maddyson said...

Hey Em. Found your site today when I was searching for an email or address since we haven't talked in forever. Your kids are beautiful and it sounds like things are going well for you guys! Hopefully you get this...write me back at when you get a chance. Maybe we can go to lunch or something. Love ya, Kira

Becca said...

what is this gardner village? I have never heard of it before. But it sounds like a blast. I don't know if James would enjoy something like that...I think he probably would. I was just realizing that i have no decorations for xmas, so I better get started at making some or else i wont have any in time. I can't wait to be done with work so i can do these things before the baby is born. I'm glad you had so much fun!