Tuesday, October 2, 2007


I would not consider myself a "runner" exactly, but I do go running a few times each week. I run at least 3 miles each time and if I am feeling extra good I will do another mile and a half. I always run in the morning, around 7 am. At first it was really hot outside and I would be dripping in the first few minutes. Now it is starting to get cold and I bundle up and only start to get warm in the last mile. I started running in April. I have always gone for walks and did a little running but nothing really. I did some 5K's this summer. I love the races, I think that is why I run mostly. I love to be out there in the early morning, runners everywhere getting ready for the race, your adrenaline gets going as the anticipation mounts. And then everyone takes off. Pretty much everyone is going faster than me, but I don't mind. Slow and steady wins the race. In fact, in my first race this summer we ran up the hill that leads to the provo temple. it is quite a hill when you are running it. I felt pretty darn good as I ran the entire way and passed several college students, including guys who had decided to walk up the hill. Yeah, I was pretty proud of myself. My time on that race was disappointing 30 min. But with each run I improved my time. My running partner and I did our last 5K in 26 min. Not amazing, but I was proud of it. It is funny, before I run I always think "oh man, I really don't feel like running today" and I really don't want to go. But I am always glad when I return from the run and tell Ben how well or bad I did. My favorite part about running is when I am about done with my route and I just run as fast as I can the rest of the way. I love to run fast. When I am going as fast as I possibly can I seriously feel like I am on top of the world. I feel like I am some super hero or something. Yeah that is pretty lame and cheesy, but that's the truth. Sometimes I dream about running races and I am unbelievably fast. I always wake up and think "man if I could ever really run like that" My goal is to one day win one of these races. (be the first woman across the finish line, or in my age division at least) that might not happen until I am 95 and the only reason I win is because everyone else my age is dead, but still, I win. I have recently committed to doing the Ogden Marathon. That is another one of my goals, to finish a marathon, running the entire way. My neighbor and I are training for it. I am sure it will be the death of me, but I am really excited to finish the thing. As I was running tonight I was paying more attention to my running than I was to the music I was listening to. I was running at my neighbors house and there was a mirror right in front of the treadmill, so I couldn't help but see what I looked like as I ran. First off, why didn't anyone tell me that my thighs jiggled as I ran, ugh. But I will say this, I felt powerful as I ran. I love the feeling of my heel hitting the ground and my leg reaching as far forward as it could and carrying me on to the next step. As I watched myself run, I didn't think that I looked like a "runner", but maybe one day I will.


Becca said...

wow you post very frequently! I just barely commented on your last one, crazy girl! hahahahaha! remember that? "crazy girl" dealio? What was that all about again? I don't remember. Anyway, I hope you had a lovely day and I cannot tell you how A) proud of you I am for being an awesome runner....which you really should start calling yourself one and B)jealous of you that you are going to run a marathon before me. I wish I could run.... a lot!

Judy said...

Wow Em! you are awesome and amazing to stict with the running. Good luck on it all.

Becca said...

Hey you need to help me come up with a costume. ok? ok.