Thursday, October 11, 2007

Uh, Knock?

I can't think of anything to write about for the day because it was the usual day of cleaning, cooking, cleaning, errands, and then more cleaning. However, we did get to go see Jeremy and Rosanne's baby, Ada. She is a cutie, and a chubs, which I love. I love chubby babies. Anyways, so today I remembered something James did once and it made me laugh so I am going to write down so I won't forget it.
James has never been a very good sleeper. He didn't sleep through the night until he was one, even though we spent several nights of trying to let him cry himself to sleep, often 3,4,5 hours at a time. He finally slept okay from about age one to just before he turned 2, when we moved him into the toddler bed. Harrison was due soon and we needed the crib for him. At first James was excited about his new bed and did just fine sleeping in it. However, after the new bed lost its charm, we were back to sleepless nights. James didn't want to stay in bed...ever. We tried just about everything we could possibly think of. It finally came to shutting and locking his door. Yes, he would scream and cry but after a few moments he would go back to bed or fall asleep by the door. It made me sad, but it was the only way he ever went to sleep. Wel I don't remember what really happened, but for some reason we couldn't lock/shut his door. I think the handle was broken or something. Oh here is a little background info, I had taught him that when he wanted to go into a room when the door was shut he needed to knock on the door to see if he could go in or not. Okay, now back to the story. Well we put him in bed, he absolutely would not stay, we tried letting him sleep in our room, that didn't work out either He would just not sleep. So we put him in his bed, and then went in our room and locked our door shut, in hopes that he would wander back to his own bed. He came to our door crying, sreaming, hitting the door, 100% tantrum. Well he is screaming at the top of his lungs when he suddenly stops and says, "uh.....Knock?" We started laughing so hard. It was the funniest and cutest thing ever. I don't even remember how he ever went to sleep that night or what happened, but I still laugh whenever I think about him saying "uh...knock?"


Becca said...

ok that is freaking hilarious! you have the funniest little boy! "Uh....knock?" makes me laugh. I love litte james. even though he's not so little anymore. oh and hey are we having a family dinner at your house on sunday or no? also, when are james and em coming to town?

John said...

That is funny and sad for you guys. I hope that Harrison has slept better for you. Kate was like that. She did not sleep through the night until just before she turned three and I bought her a barbie doll and told her that she could only have it if she did not get out of her bed for the whole night for thirty nights. She did it in thirty days. I was amazed that she understood me so well. Now she is back to getting up a lot so we just make her go to bed 20 minutes early for every time she leaves her room. I think it is a Robertson sleeping disorder because John is the same way.

Becca said...

my eyes are so bad that being a foot away from the screen and i can hardly read what i am typing. so...are you going to answer my previous questions? No? ok i will talk to someone else. hahaha. jk. i love you and i cannot wait for your par-tay! wahoo!

WHAT SHOULD I BE???? I may end up coming in a bunch of sheets and towels for no apparent reason other than to look as though i dressed up for halloween if you don't help me!!!