Thursday, October 25, 2007

Halloween Party

All right, so it has taken me almost a week to write about our family Halloween Party. First off I have to say that it was great! Ever since Ben and I got married we have wanted to throw a Halloween party. We sort of threw one a few years ago, but not really. So this year I decided to bite the bullet and just do it. So we did. We ended up inviting about 100 people. Neighbors, family and other friends. Adn about 65 people came, so we had a pretty good turnout I thought. We had a few activities for the kids. They made pumkpin masks, did a ghost walk where they won ghost suckers, and then a bean bag toss into a cauldron or plastic pumpkin. And then there were cupcakes and homemade rootbeer as well as about a 100 other treats people brought. There was plenty to eat that is for sure. Ben and I had spent the entire week decorating our house for the party. We had the funnest time making the decorations. We made paper mache pumpkins, we made little jack o lanterns out of a bunch of tin cans and painted them. Ben cut out about 50 paper bats and about 25 paper pumpkins to hang from the ceiling. We made 30 paper Jack O lanterns to hang on the wall...okay you get the idea, we made a ton of decorations and the place looked freaking awesome if I do say so myself. In the ghost walk room (our Master bedroom, we moved the bed and everything else out besides 2 dressers for the party) We coverd the 2 dressers with white sheets and put black eyes on them and then we had ghosts hanging from the ceiling all over and gave out ghost suckers to the winners of the game. A lot of the kids said that this room was their favorite. We had another room for kids to make pumpkin masks in, I think the kids liked that as well. And then downstairs we had treats, treats, treats, and homemade rootbeer. James was so excited for the party, each day this week he asked if it was the day of the party yet. So he was excited to finally have his friends come and have some Halloween fun. I think everyone who came had a pretty good time, we enjoyed it and we will for sure do this next year. I have posted just a few pictures from the party, I have pictures of each of the guests and will be printing those off and taking them to their owners. Can you tell we love Halloween?


Becca said...

you have the CUTEST little boys I have ever seen! Good thing I'm having a girl because if it was a boy of course mine would be the cutest. But i must say, those morrise boys are adorable! And you made a GREAT friendly-cute witch! I love your costume.

I look really tired in that picture. do I always look like that?

oh and I think I want to dye my hair blue...permanently!

John said...

You are really brave and really amazing!!!!!!!!

Mel said...

so cute! really wish we could've been there. guess having a baby took priority though! :) we'll look forward to it next year!