Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Broken Feet

I realize that 95% of what comes out of my mouth these days has something to do with Running, and I apologize for that. But I have to say that I am absolutely addicted to it, I love it, and as the marathon gets nearer my excitement grows. So I tend to talk about it....all the time. So, Sorry to all that are quite tired of the subject. Perhaps one day I will get this out of my system and talk about more normal things. Anyways, so last week a few days after that 13 mile run my feet started to hurt...a lot. This concerned me because I have had all sorts of aches and pains but this was different and I was worried that something was really wrong. So I went to the running store, they suggested some inserts and see how that worked out for me. So I ran last week and 2 days this week. Lets just say that I am returning those inserts tomorrow. My feet were in a lot of pain last night and so this morning went to the Dr. He did X-rays, looked at my feet. Had me stand on a piece of paper and then traced my foot. He then showed me how much bigger my foot was than my current running shoe. They couldn't see anything wrong on the x-rays but they often can't and usually need a bone scan. There are a couple possibilities for my pain. #1-Stress Fractures...yeah if that is the reason I am going to be one upset person that no one is going to want to be around. #2 my shoes are ill fitting and are causing me this pain. as the doctor said "you are a little person but you have big feet and that is okay. get bigger/wider shoes" #3 some other ligament problem.
Hopefully it is reason #2. He told me to take 2 weeks off from running, but to do other exercises instead just no running no matter what, and keep off my feet when I can. Also, he told me a certain type of inserts to get, and to get new shoes. I did all this today and until March 25 I am not running. I don't know if I will be able to last that long, but if it means getting my feet taken care of so I can run this race, then it is worth it. I told him if he told me I couldn't run anymore I would start crying because I have been working and training so hard for this for several months now and I seriously would be heart broken if I couldn't do it. So I am doing everything I am supposed to and hopefully in a couple weeks I will back to training. however, if in a few weeks my feet are still in pain, then they will do Bone scans and if it is stress fractures.....well then life is really going to suck. Anyways, so that was my day today. I am really tired, got up at 4:30 am and ran 7 yeah, my bed is calling to me. So good night.


Hild Family said...

Bummer! That's no fun. I hope your feet feel better and that it is just the shoe size. Call me next time you go swimming. The kids and I would love to go with you.

K said...

No gain????

John said...

I really really hope that you get back to running. Your determination is such an inspiration. I think you are awesome, Em. Take care of those feet. I will pray for you.