Friday, March 7, 2008

Honest James

Okay, so as many of you know I have been running & training for a marathon for quite some time now. As many of you also know, that since I have started training I have gained six pounds. Now I know that i is most likely all muscle and all that, but it is still not very gratifying to be exercising way more than the average human being and dedicating several hours each week to just running, and then have to move up a jean size! Once again...I am no completely obsessed with weight, I love that I can run all these miles and do all this, I just wish that the scale would stop going up each time I stood on. It is not very encouraging. there is your background info for this little conversation here. So tonight after I had finished brushing kids teeth and James was doing his usual get ten thousand drinks from the faucet I was standing in front of the mirror, and said to Ben "Man, why do I always look so pregnant?!" To which James replied "Because you do" He then skipped off the step stool and hopped into bed. Yeah, thanks James. (and no I am NOT pregnant...just FYI)
Earlier that evening I had to run an errand and before leaving, went upstairs to try and do something with my hair. Last summer I chopped 14 in off my hair and gave it to Locks of Love. It is something that I always thought would be cool do to, and I was growing tired of my overly long hair (harrison loved it and never stopped pulling it out of my head...not so amazing) And I had always wanted to try really short hair. So I chopped it...short! And it was short. I kept it short through the summer and into the fall. However Ben loves my long hair, and used to make comments about my hair looking nice this way or that, since I cut it, he has not said a word about my hair except when we see pictures of me with long and he says "oh look...your long hair" Yeah okay I get the point, I will grow it back out. So I am now going through the unbelievably painful process of growing my hair out. It is always ugly, always. I can never make it look cute. But I am just biting the bullet and trying to ignore the mullet atop my head. So back to this evening. So there I was in the bathroom, I was excited because I could actually pull back part of my hair finally. So I pinned it up here and there and when I was done I thought it looked okay. I head downstairs, James meets me and with a look of surprise says "mommy, what your hair look like?" and moments pause "did you cut it? comb it" I responded "does it look good or bad?" he hesitated and said something like this "bbbbbaagggggooood" and then quickly turned around so as not to get caught in his deceit.
I had to blog these little stories so I wouldn't forget them. James makes me laugh all the time. I laughed my head off both times he was "honest James". The joys of being a mom.

1 comment:

Hild Family said...

Oh Em- you are such a joy to read. I love how you tell your stories! We finally got a blog of our own. Check it out!