Monday, March 31, 2008

Ben and James

Today was the usual day of laundry, dishes, VT (yeah, i know I'm a slacker..very last day of the month) naps, stories. James has finally really gotten letters down and now notices them everywhere. He spells ever sign he sees and I love it. Today I was reading a Dick and Jane book to him and he spelled come and then he read that word everytime we got to it in the book, which was about every other word in that book. It was fun. He was really excited about it. Anyways, after naps we had planned to go swimming and so it was off to the Lagacy Center. I have taken James swimming there several times and I have been telling Ben that he needed to come swimming with us sometime because James loved it so much. This was the first time though that I took Harrison. And let me tell you what, he hated it! He was terrified of the water. he just clung on to me the entire time. So after about 30 min of him crying and freezing I took him out and we went and changed and then sat and watched James and Ben have a grand old time. It was so fun though! I loved watching those two play so much. I swear it is the greatest thing to see your husband be the funnest dad ever. Ben took James down the big slide about 50 times, and james never got tired of it. Ben was so much more fun with James in that pool than I ever am. So I was rally glad to see them having such a grand old time. Then after the swim we went to a little place called Emmetts. They have shakes and hamburgers and that sort of thing. I got onion rings and oh my heck, those are the best onion rings I have ever had. the hanburger was okay. But those onion rings were amazing. I could have eaten about 10 lbs of those things. Anyways, then it was baths, a lesson, scriptures and finally bedtime. After that I got in a serious cleaning mood. I super cleaned my kitchen, the fridge, the rugs, the cupboards, swept, mopped, washed the curtains, and now my kitchen looks really good and I am enjoying a nice bowl of oatmeal. I love oatmeal, and I love good days like today.


Julie said...

We've been meaning to try Emmett's but haven't yet. Thanks for the recommendation. Sounds like I should have me a grand helping of onion rings. We really do need to get together. I don't even know exactly where you live. I just know it's super close! I love the swimming stories!

Whitelock Family said...

Yeah you finally went to emmett's!! Emmett's and swimming that does sound like a good day!

WinnFamily said...

Next time you go swimming give us a call. We go swimming at the Legacy Center fairly often too.

Hild Family said...

I know what you mean about the onion rings. They're my favorite too. And next time you get into one of those cleaning moods you can come visit my house!

Jules said...

I don't have your email address so girls night out 4/16 call for me detail.

Amy Eds said...

Fun! We will have to go with you sometime--including Emmetts afterwards!! I LOVE onion rings and I LOVE swimming and playing in the water!

Mary said...

Matthew actually only started really getting into the water this year. He's always loved swimming at our rec center, but he would only play in the graded end where it doesn't get above your knees! Yesterday I was going through clothes to get rid of and came across his water-shoes...I am so glad they still fit him...ooohh boy does he want to go swimming NOW.