Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Fishing Pole

So, as I mentioned in one of my earlier blogs, James saw a Lightening McQueen fishing pole at Target a couple months ago and really really wanted it. I told him he could do some extra chores for me and save his money and then buy it himself. I didn't think he would actually even remember it or save his money, but he surpirsed me. HE has been cleaning rooms, doing dishes (unloading the dishes and putting them on the counter) picking up this toy or that, helping with laundry and after many pennies, nickels, and dimes, oh, and few quarters, James saved up just over $7. That is pretty impressive for a 3 yr old. The pole cost $9 so we of course made up the difference and today we went to the store and bought the fishing pole. He was so excited about it. He took it from the cashier in its bag carried it the whole way home, and then proudly showed Ben what he got. We then played fishing the rest of the day. Tonight he is asleep with the fishing pole by his door where he can see it. Yep he loves that thing. Oh yeah, he also called his Grandpa Morrise to tell him that they needed to go fishing...now! I told him that we could just practice fishing for a while until We are able to go fishing. To tell the truth I have never actually been fishing. Ben's dad took JAmes last summer and that is where this all started. Apparently , he had a pretty good time. Oh yeah one more thing, he was so cute showing Harrison how to reel it in. They were sitting in the corner of his room and james had his hand over Harrison's and was reeling it in for him, my cute little boys!


Hild Family said...

Yeah for James. What an awesome accomplishment.

Becca said...

that is so dang cute! he has such a cute personality. He's a good little kid. I was impressed with how grown up he was tonight. Crazy. Your family is growing up, em!!!

My baby's all grown up....and saving china!!!!

Mary said...

Way to go, James! $7 is really impressive for a (almost) 4 year old. So, this must be a real fishing pole? Cool!

Bec, you are hilarious.

Judy said...

My Dad LOVED to fish. We went often when I was a girl, especially when we live in Moab by the Colorado river. He would get home before Mom and so he and I went nearly daily to the river to fish. I loved playing in the river but I fished as well. Two days I will share with you. One was when I was casting out and the hook got caught in my head....Ouch! Then the best day was when I finally caught a fish larger that Daddy's...that was a good day.

Judy said...

You are a really great Mom. I can just see James from your discription.

K said...

This is something he's going to remember for a long time - when they learn it that young, it gets hard-wired in. YAY!!