Saturday, December 22, 2007

My Adidas

It was early morning, a large crowd, and I was standing there waiting. Waiting the for the gun to sound. It sounded and I took off. I was amazed at how well and fast I could run. I felt like I was flying. I just kept running as hard and as fast as I could until I crossed the finish line and won the race. I felt on top of the world. Then I woke up.
I had that dream less than a year ago. When I awoke I wanted to keep that feeling, I wanted to be able to run like that. I hadn't really run in years. Every now and then I would go for a little jog, but that is all it ever came to. Shortly after this dream I was shopping at Costco and saw a pair of Adidas running shoes. They were white and pink and about $20, right in my price range. I bought them and was very eager to try them. It was the start of the summer and the weather was perfect for running. I could put my kids to bed and it still go running before it got dark. I remember those first few weeks of running. I started out running on a treadmill, and I would just try to make it past that first mile without stopping. It was very difficult and required a lot of concentration. After a while I was doing 2 miles, and then up to 3. I remember thinking, just make it to mile #2, or to that next corner, or just past that house. It always took a great deal of effort.
My first 5K this summer was in June. I had been sick the day and hadn't really eaten anything. The race went up the hill past the temple, and was much harder than I had expected. But I was extremely proud of myself for not quiting and running the entire way. My time was just over 30 minutes. I ran my next race in July with a time of 29 minutes. Shortly after that I met Tiana. She is my neighbor and was looking for someone to run with. We decided to try running together to see how that worked out and set up a time for the following morning. I remember those first runs very well. She was a better runner than I, and so once again I was pushing myself. It felt so good though. I was always proud of us when we ran 3 miles without stopping or picked up the pace. Somewhere in there we decided to do a Marathon in the spring. So we started doign long runs on Saturdays. The night before our first long Saturday run I couldn't sleep all night. I was so nervous. I had only ever done 3-4 mile runs and I had no idea how I would ever be able to run more than that. Well, 6 am came pretty soon and I met Tiana outside for our run. To my great surprise it was extremely easy. We ran 3 miles, walked one minute, and then ran 3 more miles. I remember feeling great the entire time. I never thought Just make it to the next stop sign, or make it past that house. It was just very comfortable and easy to do. We did 6 mile runs throughout October. At this time I signed up for a Spin class to help my knees. And let me tell you what, that hour spin class is just about the hardest thing in the world. But it does help my knees, has gotten easier over the months. In November we bumped the miles to 9, and then 10, and today we ran 12.8 miles for the third week in a row. It has gotten much much harder to run in the cold. My legs are never sore, and I am never out of breath. But my face is freezing. My hands are burning from the cold air, I have to watch every step I take and change the way I am running so I don't slip on the ice, and my water pack is frozen solid. and for some strange reason I love it. I love running. I love conquering that hill the seems so impossible when you first face it, but you just keep putting one foot in front of the other and give it all you've got and before you know it, you are on the top of the hill victorious. I love seeing how far I can each time. I love it when I have already run 10 miles and we decide to run as fast as we can for the remaining time. I love seeing what my body and legs are capable of doing. I am always so amazed by it. I love coming home and telling Ben about the extra miles we did. Or those hills we ran up. Or the deer we passed by. I can't wait for the day or the Marathon. I can't wait to see how well I perform. I can't wait to start it, and I can't wait to cross the finish line. I want to always run like this. I want to do Marathons all my life because I never want to lose what I have now. I want to run with my kids when they are older. I want to be the mom with all the kids that still runs races all the time. I love learning about running; form, nutrition, gear, shoes. I love all of it.
Last week I finally went to the running store and bought another pair of running shoes. But as I went out for my run and passed my old Adidas in the entryway, a little sadness came over me. Those shoes were what got me going. I liked the way they looked and felt when I ran. So I often went running just so I could wear those shoes. They have covered all those miles with me, and gotten me here. I will always keep them I think. I love those shoes. So I dedicate this blog to my old pink Adidas for helping me fulfill that dream I had almost a year ago.


Becca said...

That's amazing! You are so awesome, and I am excited to join you this year. I will be quite slow and fat for the first of it, but I'll get it down again, I know. I'm just relaly excited!

Shoes...I understand the shoes. I really do need new running shoes...but the ones I have now...they are the ones that I wore in my first races etc. I've had them for 3 years I think. Anyway, I know I will need new ones eventually, but my problem is always "these just aren't as comfortable as the ones I have." And it's true because they are formed to me yet, but it's hard. Running shoes are amazing.

Becca said...

Oh yeh and that scary dream I told you about with James, the police, and the bourne-identity-type chase? I was running for like the entire dream chasing James and the police. I was sad to wake up and not be running, but happy that the police weren't really trying to catch my husband. :o)

K said...

I didn't know this about you. No wonder you look so great!

Becca said...

i just wanted to mention that i still don't have a baby. in case you were wondering.

Mary said...

The same thing happened to me...kind of. About a year ago, very shortly after my miscarriage, I had a dream that I was swimming underwater like a dolphin and I was just SOOOO a part of the water and it was so cool to feel my body flowing through it. I woke up longing to have the health and strength to fulfill that dream!
Well, I swam a lot during the summer and at mom and dad's, I learned the Butterfly stoke--it is rather dolphin-ish and I began to feel that my dream may come true someday.
That day has not come yet, but I conquered something just by desiring so much to be that dolphin-swimmer...I hadn't really tried swimming for real for a very, very, very long time (like since 9th grade PE at PHS). However, as I started swimming more, I realized that much of my struggle wasn't there anymore. It was then that I realized just how long I have had asthma and how much it really did slow me down without me knowing what was causing it. Now that I am aggressively treating my asthma, swimming is not the panicky, scary and terrifying experience I had remembered it to be.
I hope to come closer to being the dolphin-swimmer each time I swim, whether I work on the butterfly-stroke during that swim or not, it still strengthens me and brings me closer to my goal.