Friday, February 29, 2008

Fun Day, Busy, but Fun.

Wow! I am tired, and ready for bed!! So this was my day, and then you will see why I am ready for bed. So I got up after a beautiful 8 hours of sleep, got the kids breakfast all that usual morning stuff. Then I left them with dad and ran 13.17 miles, and all but about 2 miles were hills. However, I finished with a pretty decent time, averaged 9.4 min miles...not too shabby. I was proud of myself, and I was so excited to be running out in the warm sun finally!!! I was able to go out in a tank top again and it felt so great. It really was a great run, however I forgot that the my skin does not like the sun so much and so now I am sunburnt. So funny, a couple weeks ago I was bundled up freezing my buns off trying to make my legs move, and today I am in a tank top and getting sunburned. But I am not complaining, that is for sure. Anyways, enough of running.
As soon as I got home my neighbors and I took our kids swimming at the legacy center, James and I had great time. We kept taking turns holding our breath under water. And then we went over to the playground pool part and he had fun on the slides and shooting me with water. We enjoyed a donut after we were all swimmed out. Once we got home it was time for showers, yeah I really needed one, and then we all went to Sonic for dinner. The kids got free kids meals there so why the heck not. And after a long run like that I don't feel one bit bad for eating all the fries I want and a freakin big juicy was good. The kids liked it too. Then we did some shopping, got a new hose, stuff like that. Tomorrow I am tearing out our old flower garden and seeing what I can do with it this year. I love making my flower garden, it is always so fun. Once we got home, James cleaned the toy room and his room. I love that he does that now. I hated cleaning those rooms. And he enjoys doing it because I always give him some reward for doing it. Tonight we all had some sixlets. I really like those candies by the way, I think I ate too many though because now my stomach does not feel quite so amazing. Anyways, then it was the usual stories with both boys on my lap and rocking and singing and all that Jazz. Then it was clean up time for me. Now that the floors are vacuumed, the bathrooms cleaned and the dishes are done I am ready to go lay down in bed and just relax, oh baby. And probably ice my knees while I am at it. Oh yeah we also went for a good long walk, James rode his trike the whole way. He gave Ben about a hundred heart attacks though because he always stops last minute before he goes onto the road. Anyways, oh yeah one more cute thing. We got our license plates today and James helped Ben put them on the car and when James was saying his Prayers he said "Thank you for the plates on the car to make people safe" I always smile when he prays because he really does think about his day and what we did and just talks about it. He is a cutie. All right, Good Night.


Mary said...

That is so sweet. I just love your James and your Harrison. It really is fun when children are thinking of their prayers on their own. Matthew was saying a prayer once (blessing on food, or family prayer, I don't remember) and I whispered for him to say "We're thankful for our cars" because I knew that would mean something to him. After that, I whispered, "Please bless so and so..." and many other things, but he just kept saying over and over "Thankful for cars. Thankful for cars." I love their innocence!

K said...

I love it when serious kids pray. Everything that Mary said, I second.

John said...

It sounds like you guys have been having nice full and happy days. I bet James just loved swimming with you. I think you are a good mom, Em. And Yes, I bet you did go to bed happy. I always do when both the house is cleaned and the kids are well played with.

Becca said...

That sounds like a bunch of f-u-n! ;o) So that was fun the other night hanging out with you guys. I liked.