Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Few Fun Things

So my kids always do something that I think, Oh man I need to write that down so I don't forget it, and so that is what I am doing now, writing a bunch of things that I have been meaning to wrote so that one day when my little boys are all grown up and I am old and gray, I can read these blogs and remember it all.

James' Mail
James loves mail. He loves to get the mail, he loves it even more when there is something for him, which only happens on holidays and birthdays, so I give him the usual junk mail to open and look at and that makes him pretty happy. He also loves to play mail. He gets about 5 envelopes, about 20 3x5 cards, writes on all the cards, puts them in the envelopes and then tapes them all shut with lots and lots of tape. Then he mails them, by putting them into my desk drawer. Then a while later he goes and checks the mail, my desk drawer, and then opens all his mail and he gets excited about each and every letter. It is cute. I really need to have him send letters to Gmas, Cousins and have them write back because he would love it. However, I am out of 3x5 cards and almost out of envelopes, oh well, he loves it.

Lets play Birthday!
James loves birthdays, he gets it from me. So we play birthday a lot. HE will get a shoe box put whatever items in it, and then sing happy birthday and have me open my present. He also puts toys in there sometime and gives them to himself and acts so excited and exclaims "this is what I always wanted!" it makes me laugh. This morning he gave me a shoe box with a small pan in it filled with Teddy Grams. We ate the teddy grams, made for a good breakfast.

I love James' prayers. They are always so thoughtful and very sincere. He really has been thinking about what he should say lately and I love it! The other night before my 18 mile run he prayed for me. He said "please bless mommy to be able to run good on her run tomorrow" and let me tell you what. I definitely felt that prayer. That was easily the best run I have ever done. I felt great the whole way and today I am really not that sore so thanks James. I love the simple yet powerful faith kids have.

Harrison is definitely turning 2 soon and that makes me sad. He has always been my angel baby. And now he gets very fussy....a lot. His tantrums consist of just crying a lot and laying on the floor with his face in his hands, but they are still tantrums. So here are the cute things that he has been doing lately. Whenever I tell him that it is time to change his diaper he runs as fast he can away from me and hides. He hides behind doors most of the time but often he goes to the stairs or behind the couch. But wherever he hides he buries his face so we can't see him. funny kid. Also, Harrison loves books. He has a bunch of books that he looks at every night and I read several books to him each night. He would have me sit there all day and read to him. He will bring me a book, say "boook" and then turn around and back up into my lap and plop himself down for some good story time. One more little thing he has been doing. When I tell him it is time for bed, he gets his blanket and goes upstairs and gets all snuggled up in James' bed. I just tucked hin right in and James said "mom, are you serious? or are you just pretending? this is not Harrison's bed. ARe you serious?" It made me laugh. After they jumped on the bed for a minute I put Harrison in his crib.

The Worst Day
The worst day in the world for Harrison is the day that I wash his blanket. Also known as "Dee Dee". Harrison is obsessed with that thing and carries around the house all day and will not go to sleep without it. So the other morning his bed was soaked, he had taken his diaper off...grrrr, so all his bedding including dee dee went to the washer. Harrison followed me all the way to the washer, crying after me "deedee deedee deedee!" then once it was in the washer he sat by the washer crying, sniffing, and saying "uh oh...dee dee!" It was a long morning for that kid. Once it was clean though he about went crazy when I gave it to him. He snuggled right up in it and was happy as could be.


Hild Family said...

Kids are so cute aren't they! I love the things they think of. Thanks for sharing your fun experiences!

Becca said...

oh my goodness. i love those stories. They are the cutest! what cute kids! James is so grown up it's not even funny. He has like grown up conversations.

"Becca, let's talk about caves."

i love your kids. kind of a lot.

Amy Eds said...

Those stories were so cute! Aubrey does very similar things with the mail--she opens the junk mail, plays with it, puts it back into the ripped envelope, tapes it and tells me to send it to James! So, I will have to really start sending things to James from her--don't worry, I won't send you my junkmail!

Lorri said...

Oh how much fun! Cam and I had fun with you guys the other night too! This made me smile and a little less nervous about AFTER delivery what life might hold!
Hey whats your email address so I can send you a pdf invite to the baby shower on May 3rd...
mine is

John said...

Isn't blogging just a nice easy way to keep track of those cute things. I love it.

Harrison is just like Rachel. She is SO VERY 2!! I always called her my angel baby and she was. But she is not an angel 2 year old. Now we joke that she is bipolar. One minute happy, and the next in the middle of a complete emotional breakdown. But books are her favorite thing right now. She brings me and anyone els who can read books all day. She carries large stacks of books around the house and she sits in corners and sings while she looks at her books. Story time is Rachel's favorite time these days. But she will cry and throw her self down if we say we will read to her later.