Thursday, April 10, 2008

James' B-Day!

Okay, So yesterday was James' 4th birthday. I can't believe that he is 4!!! This last year flew by. Before I know it he will be off to school and then I will be a nervous wreck I tell you what. Anyways, I love birthdays, holidays, weddings, all sorts of celebrations. I love to throw parties and decorate and all that. I have been really excited for James' birthday. I love to see how excited my kids get about every little thing. It is all just so much fun. We had the b-day party in the morning because we had a sealing to attend that afternoon. Which was very special too and made the day a great one. My little sister, her husband and their baby girl were all sealed in the Mt. Timp Temple. I love going to weddings in that temple because that is where Ben and I were married and it always makes me think of our wedding day. Anyways, back to James' b-day party. So I knew the day was going to be packed between the sealing, b-day party and somewhere in there I was supposed to run 9 miles. So the night before I tried to get everything done. Ben helped me get the house cleaned decorate, presents wrapped, Cake decorated. We colored pictures of all the cars from the movie Cars and hung them around the house. We were up very very late. And I was so anxious about the following day that I couldn't go to sleep. Finally around 4 am I went to sleep only to be awoken form the smoke apparrant reason. Yeah they kept going off, so I decided to skip my early morning run so I could enjoy the day and not be dead tired. Turned out to be a good choice. When James got up he excitedly said "it's my birthday!" He was rally excited and we went downstairs to see the decorated downstairs. He was really excited about his cake. And he really wanted to open all his presents right then. We let him open a few, the boring ones, clothes, sunglasses, flip flops, and then a fishing game. After a good breakfast of sausages and some toast we played the fishing game for a while. The boys really liked it. I was surprised how tricky it was to actually catch a fish but Jaems got really good at it. We had a fun time. Then his firends came and we had the party. We first made our own party hats and then sat them out to dry. Most of them were smothered with glue! Then we went for a treasure hunt. I had had James help me hide all of the things that morning and he in turn helped the kids find the treats as well. They found the stuff for the ri lunch, cheetos, fruit snacks, juice boxes etc. They had fun. Then it was the presents, James got tons including legos, a bike, a learning gaming thing (one of those leap frog things) , and talking Lightning Mcqueen shirt and other fun things. when he opened the Leapster thing he said "that is what I always wanted!!!" He was excited about the bike. We just put it on the front porch and had him go find it out there. HE rode it around the street and loved it. Today Ben and him went for a good long bike ride. Anyways, then there was lunch and cake and ice cream. AFter James blew out the candle he pulled them out of the cake, and then pulled the toys off the cake, licked them off and played with them. He really liked the leapster thing. Ben showed him how to use it and everything. I really love the picture of those two, where ben is showing him what to do. I love seeing them do things together. Wow, this blog is mighty long. Anyways, after the party James and I played legos, and Stars Wars legos vs Lightning McQueen. That was fun. Then it was off to the temple and James and Harrison went to Gma Morrises where they had a party for him as well. When we got back we took him to chili's with the rest of my family and apparently he had had a pretty great time at Morrise's because he really just wanted to go back there. Oh well, he got a big milkshake and he and I enjoyed that. It was yummy. Then it was time to get Harrison and go home. Once we were home and the kids in bed it was off to the Gym for me and 8 miles of running. And that is what I did. I slept very well last night.


Whitelock Family said...

EMily that cake is so cute, did you do that yourself? I'm glad james got to have such a fun day!!

Mary said...

Totally adorable Em! Joseph is our Leapster's good for him though.
Cute cake...I better not let Matthew see that photo!

Amy Eds said...

That was really fun and cute! You always do an amazing job with things! I loved the cake!