Sunday, April 6, 2008


Okay so here are a bunch of pictures that I have been meaning to blog for forever but haven't until now. I have no idea what order these pictures are in or anything, I am having technical difficulties. OKay so in the pictures of Harrison laying down in the white shirt, he is really sad. Whenever Harrison gets upset he just finds a spot on the floor and buries his face and just sits there. It always makes me laugh so hard because it is pretty much the cutest thing ever.  He will often go hide somewhere, bottom step of the stairs, under the coffee table, behind the couch any place that he thinks we can't see him. Funny boy.
In the pictures of James in a suit....that is him on his first day of Sunbeams. I got him this suit for christmas, it was super cheap and I later found out why. It is already completely falling apart. Oh well, that is what I get for getting cheap stuff. Anyways, he looked like a little missionary and I had to take a picture. Later that night we went over to Gma's and James had quite the good time. That is the picture of him with the hat and water gun. He and his cousin Henry were playing dress up and bad guys. Obviously, they had a great time.
The pictures of Harrison with the cute curly Hair..well, Harrison's hair always curls when it is wet, and when he first wakes up it is usually curly. But within an hour it will be straight. I love his curly hair and wish that it was always curly because he is so darn cute with it. So I got it wet and took pictures before it dried. He is a heartbreaker, that is for sure.
The picture of Harrison with the blue nose, yeah he found a blue marker. He liked it.
The picture of Harrison with the I got the boys boots this winter and Harrison absolutely loved his. When he woke up in the morning he would say"boot...boot...boot" And then he would go get his boots for us to put on him. He wore them all the time, even in his PJ's. As you can see. 
Then there are the easter pictures, Harrison just found himself a nice cozy spot on the kitchen floor and ate most of his candy right there, James jumped in for the picture too. What cute boys I have.
Oh yeah, one last picture. Harrison has recently become obsessed with Little Einstein's.  When he gets up in the morning he says "I tine...I tine" But yesterday we were watching conference and he could not watch "I tine" so ben got his iphone and let Harrison watch einstein's on that. he was really cute sitting there watching it. It is so funny to me though because he has never watched anything for more than a couple minutes until this week when he suddenly fell in love with that show. I have to limit the amount of time he spend watching it now. But I do have to admit that I love the way he says "I tine" It is really cute.
Okay, hope you enjoy the pictures, and yes I agree my boys are adorable. 


Julie said...

Your boys are absolutely adorable!

Becca said...

I can't even handle it! What in the world! All those pictures are pretty much the cutest thing ever. I basically died at the picture of harrison watching I-tine on the phone. It's amazing! Man. I love your kids. Ya done good.

Becca said...

oh and on second, and closer look -- I am now laughing a lot because that really cute one of his curly hair, and he is facing the camera...well take a close look at the left nostril. It's full. Full of green goodies! :o) Made me laugh.

John said...

Those are really cute pictures. Your boys are adorable!!Isn't it a relief when your kids finally start watching TV and suddenly making dinner or taking a nap is no longer a disaster. I bought The many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh over (hasn't arrived yet) in hopes of manipulating Rachel into watching TV. She likes Winnie the Pooh books, songs, pictures, and toys so we shall see.

Amy Eds said...

Those pictures are adorable! I love James' suit and I love the boots. Mariah was the same way this winter--she ALWAYS wanted to wear her boots! We are so excited for James' b-day tomorrow!

Mary said...

Something must be wrong...I can't find a picture of Harrison watching the iPhone, nor anyone in boots! Are they accidentally deleted?

Anyways, totally beautiful boys!!!

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