Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Banana Bread

Wow, I cooked a lot today. I got up this morning and made Waffles with Strawberries...Yum. Then for Lunch we just had some Tuna sandwiches with celery, adds a little crunch I quite like it. Then I made 3 loaves of Banana Bread with Chocolate Chips, unbelievably delicious if I do say so myself. ( I made 3 because I was taking some to neighbors) Anyways, then I made a pretty good dinner, with a really yummy salad. I know you are thinking, what? salad? how is that yummy? Trust me, it was really good. Anyways, so yeah, we had some good eat'n today. Anyways, then this evening, after all that eating, I went for a good long run. Well it wasn't super long, but it felt pretty good anyway. I am currently trying to get ready for a 1/2 Marathon. Now I don't know when I am going to do this 1/2 Marathon. It depends how well I train I guess. It could be next spring, or it could be this fall. But eventually, I will do one. I have been doing 5K's this summer and it has been a lot of fun. I have enjoyed working on my speed and getting a better time. I want to do another one soon, Races are so addicting.
James had Soccer again today, he pretty much just stood there the entire time, what a goof. I asked him why he doesn't chase the ball and try to kick it and he said " I afraid of the other kids" Ha. He does a good job at being the goalie though, he just stays right there the whole time. Good Job James. Well now it is late and there is a pile of laundry waiting for me to fold. Harrison made quite the mess today and I had to rewash all of his bedding. Oh that reminds me. This morning I wake up to James telling me that he shared with Harrison. When I asked him what he shared, he said "My Cup Cake!" apparently James had gotten a chocolate Cupcake with filling and frosting and given it to Harrison in his crib. Yeah, that isn't messy. Oh the Joys of being a mom.

1 comment:

Becca said...

That food makes me hangry!!! and by hangry, i mean hungry! All the adventured of being a mom just make me more excited to be a mom myself! I like reading your posts, they are cute not to mention they keep me updated on your life which lately is hard to do. Why we no see each other? Anyway, good stories. I liked.