Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Bike Riding...My New Thing

When I was younger I loved riding bikes. I remember my dad pushing me down the street telling me to keep peddling. I remember looking behind and seeing him standing by our driveway as I finally took off down the street riding my bike for the first time. I rode my bike all the time after that. I remember riding it to school and to friends houses and even delivering some papers. I even built a working bike out of two broken bikes when I was younger so I could have a bike. But then, as most of you know, in high school there was that week when I got hit by a car twice in the same week on my bike. It terrified me of ever riding a bike again. I have ridden a few times since then, but that is all. However, we have started taking our kids for bike rides, and once again I love riding a bike. This evening we took the boys along the river trail and all the way to the lake. It was so nice! James kept talking about the river and loved seeing the different people fishing. Harrison seemed to enjoy it, at least he didn't complain at all. I found an infant helmet for him, so that was not a problem this time. Anyways, I had forgotten how much I like it. We had a good day again today. I took the boys shopping this morning and we got several things one of which was a little play tent for the kids. We came home, Ben set it up, and the boys played with it the rest of the day. We also got little glow in the dark stars and put them up in James' room. He thinks they are pretty cool, what little kid wouldn't?

1 comment:

Becca said...

hey that sounds like a really fun day! see? I don't think I will be bored being a stay-at-home mom. if I ever have free time, I have so much I want to do! I am so excited to spend time with my kid(s)!