Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Little Boys=Bumps & Bruises

So this morning James asked me if we could go to the park. I was leaving shortly and taking him to Gma's, so the answer was "later". I picked him up from Gma's and again he asked if we could go to the park, I was extremely tired, Harrison needed a nap, it was boiling hot outside, and once again the answer was "later". So, after Dinner tonight We went for a family walk that ended up at the park and James went straight for the playground. We had only been there a couple minutes when I noticed James hanging from some monkey bars. Ben grabbed him and told him not to play on them. the very next thing James did was run over to the other monkey bars, Jump to them, hung there one handed for about a second, and then crashed down to the ground, hitting his face on the platform first. I ran over and of course there is blood, and tons of it. I looked in his mouth and it seriously looked like he had knocked out his upper 4 teeth. and did I mention that he was bleeding like crazy? So we went home, I tried to clean him up, we called the dentist, and went to an urgent dental care. By this time James' and My shirt were completely covered in blood, but I tell you what, James had stopped crying and was being 100% brave. I was so proud of him. WE went to the dentist and they took several x-rays and James just let them do whatever and didn't fight or cry one bit. It turns out that he didn't actually knock out his front teeth, but just pushed them all the way up into his gums and back. The roots look fine still and so we are hoping that his teeth ill go back into place (with little kids this often happend because the ones are still so soft) But if the teeth die, then we will have to take them out and wait for the permanent ones to come in in 4 years. But fortunately, that is the worst of it all. I think it could have been a lot worse and so I am so grateful that it is jsut a couple of baby teeth and not some serious head injury. I guess I had better get used to this kind of thing though, I do have 2 little boys and they are wild indians. I am sure we will be visiting the ER quite often throughout our life.

1 comment:

Becca said...

oh i just thought i should mention that my favorite part of this entire post was when you said, "I do have 2 little boys and they are wild indians." haha. made me laugh. they are wild and very very cute little wild indians at that!