Thursday, July 19, 2007


About a month ago I cut off 12 inches of hair off the top of my head and donated it to Locks of Love for a wig. My hair was pretty short, but cutting it that short gave me the courage to cut it even shorter, which I I wanted it even shorter than it is right now, but I am happy with this length because it still has a feminine look. It is really weird not to have it falling in my face or having it "swish" around. It just is short and doesn't really move. I like that I absolutely do not have to do anything with it, Just shower and go pretty much. Perfect for someone like me who rarely puts any time into her hair. I will be honest, I am a little unused to seeing myself with short hair, but I am liking it more and more the more I see myself in the mirror. I try to look in the mirror as often as possible....;) Ben likes it (at least he says so, I believe him though). He did admit though, that when he heard me come home he was afraid to turn around and see what I had done to my hair because he knew I was cutting it short and he had no idea what to expect. For all he knew, I was going to get a buzz.....ha ha! Anyways, we were going to have a BBQ with our neighbors tonight but had to cancel because Harrison has the flu. Poor baby. He can't even keep water down. He is one sick little boy I tell you what. He just sits in my lap and doesn't move, it makes me so sad for him. I hope this is only a 24 hr thing and that tomorrow he will be feeling better. James was so sad that we weren't having dinner with our friends and so after I got Harrison to bed, James and I watched a movie together and ate brownies. I didn't hear any complaints about that, of course they were some pretty good brownies....I ate a whole row!!
P.S. do you like that monster looking thing in the background of the picture?


Becca said...

HOLY FREAKING COW! You know I tried calling you a million times yesterday to say "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" but you never answered your phone! I cannot believe it, it is so short! Who did you have cut it? And you need more pictures becuase I can't ACTUALLY tell what it looks like, except that it is short in this picture. We work ALL day today ( 10 hr shift) so i wont even see you until sunday!!! more pics!!!

Becca said...

hey we tried to call you but i am guessing you were sleeping already for the night since you didn't sleep last night. I just wanted to talk to you about:
-jay's b-day
-if you want to camp with us august 3-4
-are there any dinner plans tomorrow?
-when can we see you and new short hair?
love ya