Sunday, November 9, 2008


When James came home from church today I asked him what he learned and what songs they sang. He told me that they learned a new funny song. I asked him what it was. He burst into song....
 "I want to be a missionary now! I don't want to wait until I'm Grown!...Isn't that funny mom? They want to be a missionary Now. I DON'T want to be a missionary now, I want to wait until I am all grown." 
 I busted my gut at that.  I told him that he wouldn't go on a mission until he was grown up. He told me there was another missionary song he learned he then sang
"I hope they call me on a mission, when I have grown a foot or two!...that song is better for me, I want to grow before I go on a mission."
I love my funny kids.


John said...

That is awesome!! That just made me laugh. Kids are Great!!!!!

Becca said...

that is so cute! i laughed so hard about that. And james gave a courtesy laugh. lame head. haha. your boys are so cute. james is my favorite! what a doll!